Bananas are no longer an exotic fruit, but a familiar and, no less importantly, accessible fruit. Children and adults love it, athletes adore it, it is rich in vitamins and microelements we need. Let’s find out what the benefits of fresh fruits for the body and why they are so often included in sports nutrition.
What are bananas rich in?
To begin with a moment of enlightenment: the banana tree is a myth. In fact, the banana plant is a giant weed, and its fruit is not a fruit, but equally huge berries. Berries are usually associated with seeds, but bananas do not have them, because the fruits we are used to are not wild, but cultivated by humans, they simply will not grow on their own.
The caloric content of bananas varies depending on the variety and ripeness. On average, 100 grams contain 65-150 kcal. Green fruits contain more potassium and vitamin C, can “knit the mouth”, since the starch in them has not yet been converted into sugar, which means that the glycemic index in them is lower than in ripe ones. However, as bananas ripen, they accumulate beneficial antioxidants and increase in calories.
The diversity of bananas doesn’t end there. Nutriciologist and nutritionist Anna Berseneva told us that there is a separate type of green fruit, which is intended for use as a garnish.
Anna: Such a special variety is called platano verde. It is a banana that is used as a garnish. That is, it is boiled, or baked, or fried – an alternative to potatoes, for example, in Latin American countries. These bananas are rich in potassium, and they have a slightly lower glycemic index than those eaten as berries. Therefore, there are two different uses: special green bananas, which are used as a garnish (I repeat, this is a different variety) and regular bananas, which should still be eaten ripe to avoid gastrointestinal disorders – diarrhea, for example.
Bananas have almost no fats, proteins and no cholesterol at all. But a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins B and C, antioxidants, as well as sugar. They are rarely allergic to them, so the fruit is recommended to eat even small children and pregnant women. People suffering from diabetes can also eat fruits, but it is worthwhile to approach the diet with responsibility and knowledge of the measure.
Anna: With diabetes you can eat bananas, but limited. Because even in those fruits that are used as a garnish, quite a lot of starch. It is better to combine them with fiber, with some green leaves: spinach, arugula and so on. Regular bananas can also be eaten, but taking into account their glycemic index. They do, after all, raise blood sugar quite high, so you need to regulate your medication if you have diabetes.
Bananas are considered a healthy balanced food. Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, they allow you to be satiated quickly and make up for lack of energy for a while. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body and normalizes blood pressure. Calcium is important for bones, teeth, nails and maintaining heart function. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis.
For this reason, and also because of their delicate flavor and consistency, bananas have become popular all over the world. They are eaten raw, dried, fried, used in baking and other desserts, make smoothies based on them. There is even banana flour.
Positive effect of bananas on the body
Lift the mood
Bananas are a real natural antidepressant, which due to the contained tryptophans allows the body to produce the hormone of happiness – serotonin. Regular consumption of bananas guarantees a good mood and a boost of energy.
Improve performance
Bananas help to improve memory and stimulate brain function, so it is recommended to eat them for all mental workers, as well as schoolchildren and students, especially during exams. The fruit also relieves symptoms of anxiety, which prevents a person from concentrating on the tasks at hand.
Get rid of stress
B vitamins and tryptophans will help relieve nervous tension, get rid of stress and depressed mood. Magnesium also has a positive effect.
Help with GI problems
Bananas have an enveloping effect, so they are a sure remedy for heartburn. In addition, they are useful in gastritis with high acidity. Fiber helps to remove toxins from the body and promotes normal intestinal function.
Eliminate insomnia
The same tryptophans are not only responsible for a good mood, but are also a natural sleeping pill. An evening snack of banana will help get rid of insomnia and guarantee a normal sleep.
Improve the cardiovascular system
Potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, help nourish and oxygenate brain cells. High levels of potassium help regulate the heartbeat and maintain optimal blood pressure. Iron prevents anemia as it increases hemoglobin levels in the blood.
Despite the huge number of pros of eating bananas, it is better not to prescribe miraculous properties to the fruit. For example, it is widely believed that they help to quit smoking. However, our expert believes that berries are unlikely to help to give up nicotine.
Anna: Regarding smoking – a dubious correlation. At least, I think it is difficult to prove it scientifically. Yes, bananas have certain substances that contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness. And it may be emotionally easier to tolerate quitting smoking by eating sweet, pleasant, tasty foods. But to say that this is a proven fact is unlikely.
About the minuses: what are bananas harmful?
For all its pluses and balanced chemical composition, some people are contraindicated bananas. This can be explained by several factors.
High glycemic index
Bananas have a lot of sugar and a high glycemic index, so they quickly increase insulin levels. As we have already said, diabetics should treat such a product with extreme caution.
Increase blood viscosity
Bananas remove fluid from the body, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity and a decrease in its flow to certain parts of the body. Therefore, the fruit is not recommended to eat with vein diseases, a tendency to the formation of blood clots, as well as with coronary heart disease.
Exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Despite the fact that bananas fruitfully affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in the exacerbation of diseases it is worthwhile to abandon them for a while. Also berries are not recommended in irritable bowel syndrome, as they can cause abdominal bloating.
When overweight, bananas can be consumed in small quantities. From one fruit in the morning there will be no trouble, but too much to eat them should not be, because it is a high-calorie product.
Why are bananas popular among athletes?
Intensive training requires a lot of energy, which must be quickly replenished after the session, and the banana in this case acts as a wand. It’s much more convenient to snack on them than trays of chicken and rice. One or two bananas are enough to close the carbohydrate window.
In addition, along with sweat, potassium, which protects the heart muscle, is flushed out of the body, and its deficiency can lead to cramps. Amino acids help you focus on the game or contest, calm your nerves and maintain full concentration.
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So bananas contain the perfect combination of substances needed not only by amateur athletes, but also by professionals. Some athletes still prefer energy bars, but it’s not uncommon to see tennis or hockey players devouring the yellow fruit right on the court or bench.