The famous Italian actress Monica Bellucci seems to know the recipe for the “elixir of youth”. In her 57 years she is in great shape and does not cease to surprise fans with spicy images. Today we will tell you about the beauty secrets that help her look younger than her age.
Rustem Sadykov
nutritionist, gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, clinical pharmacologist, head of the company AlfaBiom.
Tells how effective the beauty routine of the actress.
Morning procedures: contrast shower and skin cleansing
Two or three times a week Monica uses a scrub of olive oil and ground almonds. The actress does not resort to beauty injections, but simply follows the system of care. Not a single day she does not do without cleansing and moisturizing the skin. And also the artist drinks a sufficient amount of water. About this Monica said in one of her interviews.
Bellucci also pays special attention to the care of the skin of the lips: “I have quite plump lips, and they tend to be dry, so I constantly moisturize them. Lips are very important. Everyone looks at them when you talk, eat, kiss, so they need to be soft at all times.
Rustem: It’s really important to have enough fluids in your body for your skin. A proper drinking regimen, no dehydration is the main secret. No cosmetic procedures will not help to restore the skin if a person does not drink enough.
Excessive application of exfoliants, soaps and gels, toners and cosmetics dries out the skin.
Healthy and soft hair is one of the secrets of beauty
A good shampoo, conditioner and mask is a simple kit for good hair health. “Sometimes I do a warm olive oil mask,” says Bellucci.
Monica washes her hair no more than twice a week, and she also dilutes her shampoo with mineral water. This composition does not wash out the natural oils from the skin. Soapy solutions, even of the highest quality, change the composition of the microbiome (microbial cover) of the scalp, says the doctor. To avoid this, shampoos should be used as little as possible. About the correct technique of washing hair wrote in the previous material.
The best mask for an Italian woman is her mother’s favorite remedy – warm olive oil. It perfectly nourishes the hair, gives them shine and silkiness. On her days off, the actress prefers drying her hair without blow dryers and other tools.
Rustem: Hair dryers and irons dry hair. The use of styling devices is better to reduce to a minimum. As for the olive oil mask – the solution is interesting. Of course, not all hair types will suit this method, but everyone can choose a natural remedy for themselves to avoid the use of chemical solutions.
Makeup as an addition to natural beauty
Bellucci is beautiful without a mountain of makeup, but before going out she applies a light foundation, lip balm and mascara. She doesn’t need much. “Makeup is a form of protection. I think that when you don’t have makeup on, you feel more vulnerable. It’s like a shield that women have. It helps shield yourself from negativity coming from other people. At the same time, for me, makeup is a form of self-expression. It allows me to make myself and others happy. I like cosmetics and the fact that it allows me to emphasize my best features and express my individuality,” says the actress.
Rustem: The most important element of makeup, especially in summer, is a cream that protects the skin from the sun. Otherwise, cosmetics should be as natural as possible in order not to harm the microbiome of surfaces. It is also important to wash it off thoroughly with clean water, avoiding the use of toners and makeup removers.
Slim figure
No diets, and you will have a slim figure – this is the secret of Monica. The actress does not deny herself her favorite foods, but she keeps an eye on the quality of what goes into her body.
I’m Italian and I just love delicious food. I am an omnivore, but Italian food is my love. My daughters are a lot like me in this. They, like me, love pasta and parmesan.
Monica Bellucci
The only time Monica can limit herself in her favorite dishes is the period before filming. “If I’m preparing for a role for which I need to lose weight, I change my diet a bit. I eat more lean meat, fish, vegetables. I also watch the size of portions. My portions are small, so I eat more often. That way I lose weight, but in the right way. After that, it doesn’t come back. However, sometimes I get roles as more shapely women. For them, you have to get healthy. Honestly, I confess to you, such pleases me much more!” – admitted the actress.
On how not to gain excess weight when there is a lot of delicious food around, read in our previous material.
Rustem: There is no one who would not be familiar with the Mediterranean diet. Of course, Italians belong to those peoples who are accustomed to eating quality flour products – pasta, bread, flatbread, oils, seafood. This is the absolute norm for indigenous peoples, whose ancestors ate in the same way.
In this regard, it is important to make the menu individually. We are all different and are used to different foods. If your parents, forebears were real meat-eaters (for example, this is characteristic of northern peoples), then, most likely, the menu consisting of oils and grains, may not suit you, warns the nutritionist. And vice versa. Listen to your body, go back to your roots and find the golden mean of nutrition. Then you won’t need any diets.