More or less: how much should a man eat to get pumped up?

The question of nutrition during training arises for every novice athlete. Is it necessary to eat more when you want to build muscle mass and at what point should you start drying out? Alexey Stolyarov, a popular sports blogger and participant of SN PRO EXPO FORUM, helped us to understand this topic.

First of all, let’s understand what nutrition is for an athlete and how to set up the process competently. First of all, it is the action of calculating proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For what is it necessary to calculate PBGU?

For gaining mass, maintaining the energy-resource state of the body and protecting muscles from destruction.

The calculation is based on tables, based on the parameters of the athlete (body type and weight) and the nutritional value of the product. A male athlete needs to consume 40 kcal per 1 kg of weight every day. If there is a lack of energy in the body, muscle mass will decrease. Of course, the more intense the training, the more energy is expended, so calories should come more.

What foods are needed?

  • cereals and grain products;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy.

In order to maintain the necessary energy level for gaining muscle mass you need to have glucose in your diet, but in a small dose.

Protein, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins

The main and important component for gaining mass in the menu of a man is protein. With its deficiency, you can forget about the beautiful form. But you should not overdo it either. In the daily diet it should be about 13%.

For energy, a man needs fats and carbohydrates. The amount of fats should not exceed 24%, and carbohydrates – 55%. Vitamins will be needed for metabolism, and minerals for the work of the nervous system and muscles. The dosage is individualized.

In the first half of the day it is better to consume carbohydrate-rich food, and in the evening eat protein-rich food.

How to eat to lose weight?

If you have the task of losing weight, then it is worth paying attention to the following rules:

  • You can not starve. Otherwise, you simply will not have the strength for a productive workout;
  • drink water. Perhaps you have heard that those who are actively engaged in sports need to drink twice as much liquid. And you need to drink regularly, not only when you want to. The fact is that during exercise, the feeling of thirst disappears and returns only at the moment of dehydration. Water affects the performance of the whole body, removes toxins and toxins, and for athletes using protein supplements, it helps protect the kidneys from the effects of proteins. In its absence, it worsens well-being, reduces the level of performance, slows down metabolism, which prevents weight loss and weight gain.

How to eat on “drying”?

“Drying” of the body is a sports term that means reducing the level of subcutaneous fat while maximizing the preservation of muscle mass. According to the results of such a complex of measures, the body acquires a slender, taut appearance with a good relief of all muscles.

Products prohibited in “drying”:

  • sugar;
  • flour;
  • pasta;
  • butter;
  • potatoes;
  • sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, peaches);
  • alcohol.

In addition, “drying” can not be carried out if you have:

  • kidney disease;
  • liver disease;
  • stomach problems;
  • cancer.

Successful “drying” is regular cardio training, cutting calories by 20%, as well as controlling the glycemic index of carbohydrates and their maximum restriction in the evening. It is important not to give up strength training either, as the body will start to burn muscle.

Remember: everyone has a different metabolism. The rules of nutrition and training should be selected individually.

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