More than a hobby: 7 actors who are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle
Gwyneth Paltrow has taken the plunge into yoga, and Jared Leto hasn’t eaten meat in 20 years. What else are Hollywood stars going for?
After three months of self-isolation, many have reconsidered their views on fitness and proper nutrition. But actors and showbiz stars have been following a healthy lifestyle for a very long time to look good on camera. This includes daily workouts, vegetarianism, and a glass of water in the morning. We tell you who dared to make changes in their daily habits for the sake of a slim figure, clear skin and good health.
Jared Leto
Jared is a rock musician, actor, and also a man who looks much younger than his 47 years. Why? The man has not eat meat or drink alcohol for 20 years. Leto has also given up salt and sugar. In addition, he is engaged in meditation and tries to spend more time sleeping. But there are dishes for which the actor makes an exception and forgets about the prohibitions: popcorn and hot chocolate on almond milk.
Jessica Alba
Alba is a movie actress and author of a book on healthy eating. However, to follow him the girl began not so long ago. After the birth of her first daughter, Jessica developed for herself a diet that promoted weight loss. In the book “Honest Life” the actress writes about fitness, healthy food and self-care. By the way, at the very beginning Alba admits that vegetarianism is not suitable for everyone, including her. Now the star eats exclusively natural products. And as a bonus, the furniture in her house is made of eco-friendly materials.
Gwyneth Paltrow
In recent years, Paltrow does not please fans with a large number of roles. Of course, if you exclude appearances in the Marvel movie universe. Now the girl almost completely devoted herself to labor in her own lifestyles-company. The actress also began to actively engage in yoga and observe the sleep regime. Paltrow for many years is a vegetarian and does not use caffeine.
Natalie Portman
Portman is a successful actress and psychologist by education. The girl from an early age had to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. On the first diet she sat down at the age of 11 years, when the director of the movie noticed that Natalie slightly improved. Portman refused meat in childhood, but she did it only because of a great love for animals. The girl’s diet includes plant food, which contains the necessary vitamins and minerals. The star eats four or five times a day in small portions. In addition, she practically does not drink coffee and alcohol.
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jake can be called a real fan of cooking. The eternal bachelor likes to cook for himself and prefers dishes from fresh products, which he buys at farmers’ markets. At home, the actor has his own vegetarian garden. And among sports activities, the man is most impressed by running.
Jennifer Aniston
Fans of the actress never cease to wonder how Jennifer manages to keep a slim figure to 50 years old. Sport takes a huge place in the life of the star: training, she devotes several hours six days a week. To do this Aniston has to get up at five in the morning and immediately start cardio-loads. Each new day of the actress begins with a glass of water with lemon, and breakfast is a smoothie and toasted bread with cheese.
Charlize Theron
The actress is 44 years old, but she looks much younger. What is the secret? Charlize’s flawless figure is the result of sports and a strict diet. The girl devotes six days of training: three days – bicycle aerobics, the rest – yoga. Theron eats six times a day in small portions, but never eats fast food. In the morning, she drinks a lot of water. This is a great way to cleanse the body of toxins.