The movie is not real life, but a beautiful fairy tale. This can be seen in the example of the Russian actress Alexandra Bortich, who played the role of Anna in the movie “I’m thinning”. As the title suggests, the tape tells the story of how the full-figured protagonist tries to lose weight. On the screen, everything looks emotional and funny, but in fact she had to follow a strict discipline and train for several hours a day. We tell you how Bortich actually lost weight.
Tendency to fullness
This is now Bortich – a fragile girl who weighs about 55 kilograms, and in childhood she was a rather large child, prone to fullness. She lost weight as a teenager after stopping eating because of unrequited love, and has been trying to keep herself in line ever since. “And now, if I start eating when and what I want, extra pounds immediately appear,” – said the actress in an interview with Grazia magazine.
Therefore, to gain 20 kilograms for the filming of the new movie for her was quite simple, but only physically.
Bortich said that before filming went on a trip to different countries, where it was possible to eat varied and tasty. For a month and a half, she ate a lot and often and sharply gained the necessary 20 kg. However, the unbridled gluttony was no joy: “It was only fun for the first week. To gain so much, you have to eat constantly. In the morning I had a big breakfast, went for a walk, in half an hour everything settled down – and then I had to eat again. It is very hard, sometimes it seemed to me that I should only smell the smell of food, and I immediately turn inside out,” – she said in the program “Evening Urgant”.
Losing weight
The challenges of gaining weight (a new, not-so-attractive figure, fat folds, shortness of breath, etc.) is one challenge, but losing weight back in just a month and a half is a whole new challenge that proved to be much more difficult for Alexandra. There was a huge penalty written into her contract if she couldn’t lose the weight in the required time frame.
I wouldn’t have agreed to shoot the first block where I’m skinny and then get fat and shoot the first block, because I would never have lost weight if I didn’t have that penalty in my contract.
Plus, the director of the movie thought it would be more convincing if the actress experienced the whole weight loss process along with her character. Nevertheless, what was shown in the movie was far from reality.
Movie vs life
The movie concentrates on the main character’s experiences, the difficulties she faces on her journey, and the detailed weight loss process is mostly left out of the picture. The viewer sees Anna struggling to follow the regimen, running in the morning, swimming in the pool, clumsily trying to exercise on machines at the gym, breaking down and having nighttime binges. In general, everything looks quite simple and innocent, and most importantly – in the end the weight goes away as if by itself, no grueling workouts in the frame is not.
In fact, Bortich had to make a lot of effort to lose weight quickly.
I switched to a proper diet, trained six days a week, went to a painful massage … And still continue to work on myself. The standard scheme is a proper fractional diet and training.
Alexandra, unlike her heroine, did not organize lazy jogs in the park, but started strength high-interval training – twice a day, six days a week. She interspersed cardio exercises, jogging for weight loss, swimming and dancing. In general, had to sweat a lot.
Instead of the night hikes to the refrigerator shown in the movie – a sharp drop in daily calorie intake to 1200. No fast food, sodas, flour, fried or smoked, only low-calorie food in small portions – vegetables, lean meat and fish, dairy products, cereals and eggs. She drank a lot of water to speed up metabolism, and did not eat three hours before bedtime. At first Bortich had to limit herself to 1200 kcal per day, then she increased this figure to 1500 kcal.
It is noteworthy that the process of weight loss lasted much longer than filming – Bortich continues to follow a fairly strict rules in the diet and do sports, but for herself.
And the movie was not about weight loss, but about the fact that you should appreciate yourself in any guise, and lose weight only if you want it.