Every day we make a huge number of movements that involve the joints. They require special attention, because their work does not stop. Regular special exercises will not only improve your condition and relieve tension, but also reduce the risk of developing diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis.
health-coach, biohacking, integrative medicine trainer
Yoga classes serve as a preventive measure for many diseases. They also help to increase capillary blood flow. Work with fine motor skills has a positive effect on brain activity and cognitive functions, maintaining the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. Daily gymnastics for all groups of joints for 15 minutes slows down the processes of premature aging.
It seems that these are completely harmless exercises, but it is worth being careful with them. You can not practice yoga for joint diseases in the acute stage, when there are painful sensations or restrictions of movement. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, engage in rehabilitation and select individual exercises afterwards.
The technique is performed for the prevention of diseases and in periods of remission. Only after excluding acute inflammation, arthrosis and hidden injuries can be practiced. Also among the contraindications are hernias, tumors or suspicions of them, increased temperature and blood pressure, postoperative period.
Yoga for joint osteoarthritis
With some asanas you need to be careful. For example, with osteoarthritis of the hip joint, you should not strive to perform hanumanasana (twine), it can harm. It is necessary to engage in gentle yoga, as well as strengthening the muscles and ligaments around the joints.
After consultation with a specialist with moderate pain, joint exercises are allowed. But it is worth refraining from sudden movements and give an even load, without allowing painful sensations. Your first session should be about five minutes to understand the reaction of the body, and subsequently increase the time. Another important tip – do not exercise in a draft, overcooling of the joints has a bad effect on them. And after training, rest for 5-10 minutes, let your body recover.
LFC instructor and yoga therapist
The norm for our joints is 100 movements per day. While practicing yoga they move in all directions, this helps to keep them healthy. If there is already the beginning of age-related changes – osteoarthritis, arthritis and other diseases, it is necessary to practice yoga twice a week to prevent the development of the disease.
Complex for healthy joints
Rotation and turns of the head
- Stand up straight, straighten your back.
- Slowly turn your head to the right and then to the left.
- Do not tilt your head.
- Do 10-15 repetitions on both sides.
- Then tilt your head to your right shoulder and through the bottom, tilting your head, move it to your left shoulder.
- From there, tilting your head back, return to the right shoulder.
- Perform 10 of these circular rotations to each side.
Shoulder rotation
- Stand up straight, raise your arms up.
- Rotate first forward and then backward.
- Repeat the exercise 10-15 times in both directions.
- Bending of the elbow joint.
- Technique.
- Stand up straight, put your hands down and turn palm outward.
- From this position bend the elbows and then straighten them.
- Perform 10-15 repetitions.
Wrist rotation
- Straighten your back, lock your hands in front of you.
- Slowly, as if drawing the number 8 with your hands, rotate your wrist.
- Do 10-15 times.
- Put your hands in front of you. Clench them into fists.
- Then open your palm. The movement is similar to splashing drops from your hands.
- Perform 15-20 repetitions.
- Straighten your back, put your feet at shoulder width, put your hands on your hips.
- Rotate the pelvis, the movement should resemble the number 8.
- Try not to move the upper part of the body.
- Do 10-15 such “figure eights”.
- Spread your legs at shoulder width. Extend your arms to the side.
- As you exhale, bend down through the right side so that the fingers of the right hand touch the left foot.
- The left hand is directed upwards, the gaze is directed towards it.
- Take a deep breath and on the exhale return to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement through the left.
- Perform 10-15 times for each side.
- Stand on all fours. The hands should be placed under the shoulders, knees – under the hip joints.
- Take an inhale and on the exhale maximally round your back.
- As you inhale, arch your back and stretch with the top of your head upwards, with your gaze directed forward.
- Repeat the change of position 15-20 times.
Knee bend
- Stand up straight, straighten your back.
- Bend the right leg at the knee, trying to reach the heel to the buttocks.
- Lower it back down and do it on the left side.
- Perform the movement 15-20 times for each leg.
Foot warm-up
- Stand up, feet together.
- Rise on your toes, stay at the top point for 2-3 seconds, and then slowly lower down.
- Repeat 10-15 times.
These exercises will help mobilize your joints and allow them to move more freely. Remember that it is necessary to follow the dimensionality of breathing. And if you want to continue your workout, you can perform five simple asanas.
5 asanas for joints
Trikonasana or triangle pose
- Spread your legs wide, and raise your arms to the sides, turning your palms toward the floor.
- The right foot is turned to the side, the left foot – forward.
- Keeping your back straight, tilt your body to the right.
- The right hand can be placed on the floor at the outer edge of the foot or placed on the instep of the leg.
- Pull the left hand upwards, with your gaze directed at the palm.
- In this position, take several deep inhalations and exhalations.
- Repeat the asana to the left side.
- Sit with your bent legs on your right side so that the right foot rests on the left foot.
- Place your right hand on or near your left knee. Place your left hand behind your back.
- As you inhale, turn your body to the left and reach upward.
- Hold the position and do 3-5 breathing cycles.
- Repeat on the other side.
- Stand on all fours, spreading your legs.
- Sit on the floor so that your buttocks lie on the floor.
- Extend your arms forward and make a bend, try to reach your chest to the floor.
- Keep your back straight and breathe deeply.
- Hold the pose for 40-60 seconds.
Titali asana or Butterfly pose
- Sit on the floor with a straight back and straight legs, bend your knees, bring your feet together.
- Holding the feet with your hands, move your hips up and down with a small amplitude for 30 seconds.
- With an exhale, bring your knees apart and go into a bend with a straight back.
- Aim to put your knees on the floor, with your belly reaching for your feet.
- In this stretch, take several deep inhalations and exhalations.
Balasana or Child’s Pose
- Stand on all fours, bring your feet together. Lower the pelvis to the heels.
- Lean forward, straighten your back and stretch straight arms in front of you. Keep the pelvis still.
- Touch your forehead to the floor and relax completely in this position.
- Breathe deeply and calmly.
- Do 5-10 breathing cycles.
It is important to remember that yoga is primarily aimed at relaxation, so do everything according to the capabilities of your body, gradually you will get better and better. Watch how you feel and do not train through pain. Walking will also be of great benefit to your joints, so don’t sit at home, movement is life. Exercise, walk and be healthy.