7 factors that can trigger varicose veins. These include strength training

Armen Avakian

doctor, phlebology surgeon of the First professional network of orthopedic salons ORTEKA

Varicose veins are easy to find in men or girls 25-30 years old. It is safe to say that in recent years the pathology has significantly “rejuvenated”. It happened because of our habits and lifestyle.

Lack of movement

Varicose veins are often found in office workers, because they spend every day at the computer, without changing position.

In the absence of movement, the outflow of venous blood slows down, because the muscles do not contract and do not affect the vessels. This causes swelling, pain and heaviness in the legs. All conditions for the development of varicose veins are created.

Blood through the veins of the lower extremities returns to the heart from bottom to top. With any physical activity, whether walking or running, muscles contract. These act on the blood vessels and stimulate the flow of blood. The outflow of blood through the veins of the legs is particularly helped by the muscles of the lower leg.

Standing work

Vein diseases are also common to those who constantly work on their feet. Hairdressers, stylists, doctors, teachers and couriers can be affected. The outflow of blood from the legs to the heart must always overcome the force of gravity.

The more time spent in an upright position, the harder it will be for the venous system. Such a load often provokes the development of vein diseases.

Long journeys

Traveling by car, train or airplane forces you to stay in one position for a long time, which makes it difficult for the venous system to function.

When traveling by air, the situation is aggravated by pressure fluctuations in the airplane cabin, which also negatively affect the health of the legs.

Uncomfortable shoes

Contributes to the development of pathology and irrationally chosen shoes. When walking on heels, the leg muscles are constantly overstretched, because of which the muscle-venous pump can not work properly.

Why do your feet swell by the end of the day and how to fight it? Here you will find the recommendations of a phlebologist surgeon.

Shoes on stilettos and with a narrow toe, tight shoes overload the front of the foot, compress the vessels, which often leads to impaired circulation.

Irrational loads

Exhausting training, especially strength training, is far from healthy. When lifting weights, a strong intra-abdominal pressure is created, which negatively affects the state of the venous vessels.


Pregnant women also fall into the risk group of vein diseases. The growing uterus begins to press on the veins of the small pelvis, which hinders blood flow.

In addition, the risk of varicose veins increases due to hormonal shifts in the woman’s body, which occur against the background of pregnancy.

As a result of these changes weaken the walls of blood vessels. On the state of the veins negatively affects and weight gain, characteristic of this period in the life of a woman.

Hereditary predisposition

Problems with veins are most often inherited. If any of the relatives are concerned about varicose veins, you should visit a phlebologist regularly.

How to avoid varicose veins?

  1. Watch your lifestyle.
  2. Walk more. During walks effectively work the muscles that contribute to the outflow of venous blood.
  3. During the day, try to warm up, move.
  4. Wear comfortable shoes with a wide forefoot, heel height of no more than 2-4 cm and form-resistant back.
  5. Buy orthopedic shoes, which protects against loads and helps to take care of the health of the feet.

Of course, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, do sports. Just remember that training should always be moderate. Intensive sports, on the contrary, are harmful or even traumatic.

Here are the exercises you can and even need to do with varicose veins.

To prevent vein diseases, it is recommended to wear compression knitwear. Such products improve venous blood flow and help vessels to cope with stress.

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