The broad muscles are one of the largest muscles in the body and are responsible for many functions in the body. There are so many tasks on these muscles every day that it’s hard to imagine, but we just don’t notice it.
Training the broadest muscles of the back will make the figure more attractive, so there is definitely a reason to pump them. It remains to understand how to do it correctly. A fitness trainer will help us figure it out.
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The broadest muscles are large and strong. It starts from the sacrum, iliac spine, spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae and six lower thoracic vertebrae, and is attached to the crest of the small tubercle of the humerus. It extends the shoulder, leads to the trunk and pronates, and is involved in many body movements and even breathing.
What functions do the broadest muscles of the back perform?
Extension and adduction of the arms, as well as internal rotation, which we don’t notice. And that’s just the main pool, there are many more activities that involve these muscles, such as trunk flexion and extension, lateral tilt, and that’s not all. They are involved in all sorts of pelvic tilts, scapular movement is also not without them, and most surprisingly, the spinal muscles help us breathe. But that’s about the simple movements we perform on a daily basis. And if we talk about sports activity, without well-pumped these muscles you can’t go anywhere in rock climbing and pull-ups.
Those who have read this list may have the impression that we don’t really need the other muscles, because the broadest muscles are responsible for everything. This is certainly not the case, but we hope that we have managed to motivate you for a good workout.
What is the right way to stretch before training?
In order not to endanger yourself and not to get a back injury, it is necessary to warm up before training.
Hang on the bar with a wide grip
- Grasp the bar as wide as possible.
- Slowly pull your feet off the floor, at this point you should feel the tension.
- Return to the starting position and repeat 10-15 times.
Child’s pose
- Kneel on your knees, stretch your arms up.
- Lower the body down, place your hands on the floor above your head with palms down.
- Stretch, performing light back and forth movements.
- Stretch for 2-3 minutes.
Body tilts
- Stand up straight, arms stretched above your head.
- Keeping your back straight, slowly tilt the body to the left, keeping your arms above your head.
- Return to the starting position and bend the body to the right.
- Perform 10-15 repetitions.
In each of these exercises you should feel tension – this is a sign that the warm-up is successful.
Exercises for the broadest muscles of the back at home
If it is not possible to go to the gym, you can pump up your back at home.
Andrei Donskikh: To train the broadest muscles at home are great for training with your own body weight, for example, pull-ups. This, by the way, is quite enough to develop some functions not only of our target muscle, but also other muscles of the back, arms, shoulders and even chest muscles.
But even at home for a specific load without additional equipment we can not do without. In this case, a tourniquet with different handles for grip, loops or expanders will help you.
- Grasp the bar with a wide grip, straighten your legs, they should be on the weight.
- As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows and pull your chin to the bar.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
Pulling dumbbells or espanders in an incline
For this exercise, both dumbbells and a rubber expander are suitable.
- Tilt the body forward, keeping the back straight.
- Take dumbbells or the handles of an expander in your hands. Lower your limbs down.
- Bend back slightly and, bending your arms at the elbows, exhale and raise them to the level of your torso or slightly higher.
- Pull the dumbbells or handles to your waist as you move upward.
- If you are working out with an expander, fix it so that the elastic band is stretched at the top point.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
This exercise can be performed by pulling up your arms alternately, choose any convenient variation.
“Butterfly” with arm flexion
- Lie on your stomach, arms stretched out in front of you.
- As you exhale, pull your chest off the floor and, bending your arms at the elbows, bring your shoulder blades together.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
- Lie down on straight arms, palms wide.
- As you inhale, bend your arms at the elbows and, keeping your back straight, lower the body down without touching the floor.
- Exhale and return to the starting position.
Exercises for the broadest muscles of the back in the gym
And yet the choice of exercises and loads at home is limited compared to the gym. There are more opportunities to build the most diverse and, most importantly, effective training programs. Here you can do exercises with a barbell, and on exercise machines.
Andrey Donskikh: Vertical and horizontal pulls using both machines and free weights are perfect for training the broadest part of the body.
Incline barbell pull
- Take the starting position: feet at pelvic width and parallel to each other, knees slightly bent.
- Take the bar in your hands, bend your body forward, keeping your back straight.
- Start the movement by lowering the shoulder blades, exhale and pull the bar to the lower abdomen.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
Dumbbell pull with one hand in a bend
- Take the bench rest position: your right hand and knee should rest on the bench surface. Take a dumbbell in your left hand.
- As you exhale, pull the dumbbell up to your waist, bringing the shoulder blade and elbow of the working arm behind your back.
- As you inhale, return to the starting position, lowering the shoulder blade.
- Look forward while doing the exercise.
- Repeat the movement for the other arm.
Vertical block pull
- Set a suitable weight on the exercise machine. Take the starting position sitting on the bench, grab the handle. Your grip should be about shoulder width apart, tilt your body back slightly.
- Lower and bring your shoulder blades toward your spine. As you exhale, pull the bar toward your collarbone.
- At the bottom point, your elbows should be facing down.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
- Keep your buttocks on the bench during the exercise.
Pull to the waist in a block
- Sit on the bench, rest your feet on the platform.
- Grasp the handle. Lower your shoulders down, straighten your back.
- As you exhale, pull the handle to your abdomen, bending your arms at the elbows, bring your shoulder blades together.
- Når du puster inn, går du tilbake til utgangsposisjonen.
Andrei Donskikh: Calculate the load depending on your training, goals and possible health restrictions.
Back training is very important, because harmoniously developed muscles help to maintain a correct and beautiful posture and, most importantly, reduce the load on the spine. Do not neglect back exercises, at least once a week, take time to do them.
An integrated approach is your path to success. Remember the importance of both general and special warm-up before training, it will help you perform exercises more effectively and reduce the risk of injury. Don’t forget to properly calculate the load so that you don’t overload the target muscle, otherwise you will lose the desire to exercise for at least a few days.