Rare but apt: how effective is one workout a week?

Sometimes there are so many things to do that there is no time left for sports at all. The maximum that can be organized is one workout a week. But is there any benefit from such exercises and is it worth spending your energy on them at all? Sergey Skolsky, two-time world champion in powerlifting, is sure that it is worth it. Let’s find out how one training day a week can change your life and how to make it the most effective.

Is there any benefit to one weekly workout?

Doctors say that 150 minutes of light exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise per week is enough to keep you healthy.

And there’s no need to stick to one exercise program. You can change the level of exercise from time to time.

For example, if you devote one hour to an intense workout, afterwards it will be enough to do only 30 minutes of light exercise – a brisk walk or a bike ride.

The weekly norm, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, is an hour of cardio exercises and a few small walks.

According to some studies, if a person exercises in principle, although rarely, it has a positive effect on his health. Even exercising once a week can reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

However, if you want your weekly workout to be as useful as possible, you need to organize it correctly.

How do you make your workout as beneficial as possible?

Heavy workouts. The optimal workout regimen is one where your heart rate is at 75-80% of your maximal rate for exertion. Compared to a relaxed pace, this allows you to burn more fat and “pump” your heart. You can run or attend a fitness class for this purpose.

High-intensity interval training. In such classes, it is necessary to alternate between exercises that require maximum effort and a calm pace. As a result, aerobic performance and endurance are improved. Such workouts are more effective than prolonged cardio. In addition, they increase insulin sensitivity and allow faster processing of fat after meals, which contributes to weight loss.

However, you need to remember that you should not start exercising abruptly. If you have not exercised at all for a long time, then too intense load can negatively affect the state of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually get used to the exercises. Then the desire to train will not disappear after the first time.

Is it possible to increase muscle size in one workout per week?

With the same exercise program, muscle growth will occur at the same rate – regardless of the number of workouts per week.

But you need to realize that you will do a lot more work in three workouts per week than you will in one. If you try to work hard during one session, not only your muscles but also your nervous system will get tired. And this, in turn, will reduce the effectiveness of training.

Working out just once a week, you will not be able to quickly increase the volume of muscle. During 2-3 days after training, protein is synthesized more actively, which promotes muscle growth. After this time, you need to exercise again, so that the tissues continue to grow. Therefore, the optimal option is considered 2-3 sessions per week.

In this case, it is important to choose the right training program, as well as to consume a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and proteins.

How to get pumped up in one session a week?

It is necessary to perform multi-joint exercises. Standing pulls, lunges and squats are perfect.

In one session, you should pay attention to the whole body. You should perform only one exercise for each muscle group. It is recommended 2-3 approaches of 6-12 repetitions. If you exercise several times, it will be more appropriate to pump different muscle groups separately.

Do not ignore warming up. Before training it is desirable to warm up the body for 10-15 minutes. Thus you will stretch the muscles, prepare for the session and reduce the risk of injury.

Can I lose excess weight in one workout per week?

One intense workout for an hour can burn up to 800 kcal.

To lose a kilogram of weight, you need to burn about 7700 kcal. With approximately one workout per week, it will take more than 3 months to lose just one kilogram. And that’s if you can spend all the calories you get from food.

It is also worth considering that the body has the property to adapt to the loads. Therefore, over time, the training process will need to be complicated.

Do not forget that to maintain optimal weight is important not so much training as lifestyle in general and diet.

If your goal is to lose weight, stick to the following recommendations:

  • Competently compose your diet. Including refrain from sweets and flour.
  • Avoid stress and get a good night’s sleep.
  • Get rid of unnecessary snacking.

If you don’t eat right or get enough sleep, even regular exercise won’t help you lose weight.

No matter how busy you are, making time for physical activity is definitely worth it. Even one workout a week is a good start. It can help you improve your health, build muscle, and become stronger. What if you enjoy it?

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