nutritionist, nutritionist, member of the National Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians
Today, there are many beverage options that can assist in weight loss and saturate the body with nutrients. But sports and healthy eating should also be present in your life.
The benefits of tea, fruit smoothies, vegetable cocktails are really there. But it is desirable to prepare any drinks yourself to know for sure their composition.
In no case should you drink fat-burning advertised cocktails of dubious quality and origin. The effect of them will be unpredictable.
Contribute to weight loss can such drinks as green tea, coffee, water, infusions of herbs. They contain biologically active substances of natural origin, which accelerate metabolism, reduce cholesterol, reduce appetite.
Cocktails based on protein powders also help to control appetite, prolonging the feeling of satiety. But it is important to remember that such a product is not a miracle solution for weight loss and does not replace a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
How do drinks help to lose weight?
Infusions of some herbs, such as mint, ginger and cinnamon, accelerate metabolism and improve digestion due to the content of active components in them: caffeine, theanine. They have a tonic effect on the whole body.
Nevertheless, green tea is not a “miracle remedy” and can not replace proper nutrition. The diet must necessarily be adjusted and formed taking into account individual characteristics.
How much and in what quantities should be consumed drinks for weight loss?
The amount of drinks needed for weight loss depends on many factors, such as physical activity, general health, age, gender and metabolic profile.
It is best to consult, for example, a nutritionist or nutritionist for guidance. Specialists will be able to make the necessary calculations and find the optimal dosage for a particular case.
As for the general norms, it is ideal to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Only the fluid intake should still be comparable to its losses.
In order to timely replenish the water-salt balance in the body, it is important to follow some parameters: water should be room temperature, without gas and additives.
Green tea is recommended to use two or three cups a day, fresh vegetable and fruit juices – no more than 200 ml a day, and infusions of herbs – a maximum of two medium glasses.
In any case, before starting a diet and changing your diet, you should consult a qualified specialist in the field of dietetics and healthy lifestyle.
To whom are drinks contraindicated?
Fruit juices, for example, can cause allergies if a person has a reaction to an ingredient in the drink. Also, some liquids can worsen the condition of people with stomach diseases: gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes.
Before starting to use any drinks for weight loss, it is necessary to consult with a doctor or a nutritionist, so that they can give individual recommendations and assess the possible risks and side effects.
To avoid negative consequences, it is ideal to prepare cocktails at home, controlling the quality of ingredients and sugar content.
But some herbal infusions are better purchased in specialized stores that offer high-quality ingredients and professional equipment for preparing drinks.
It’s important to follow the instructions and expert advice on choosing and preparing drinks to maximize the health benefits.
Which beverages can help you lose weight?
Nutritionist, member of the scientific department of Bio-Vesta Research and Development Center
In addition to green tea and various cocktails, sour milk drinks, coffee, juices, vegetable smoothies support the body in weight loss.
White, green tea, light and dark roasted coffee, the use of ginger in decoctions with the addition of cinnamon, honey, lemon, berry decoctions and morses really help to improve metabolism.
The same applies to freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables with the addition of celery. It is desirable to dilute such drinks with water to save the enamel of the teeth. Adding mint to their compositions will additionally reduce appetite.
Protein drinks and gainers from the category of sports products can be used by those who regularly go to the gym. Otherwise, excess protein can cause bloating due to fermentation in the intestines.
A useful drink for weight loss is considered and kefir. Milk protein is good and on digestibility, and on the effect on metabolic processes. But it also has a number of contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor, especially for people with allergies and gastrointestinal diseases.
For healthy weight loss, it is recommended to keep a calorie deficit, consume quality natural foods and drinks, and exercise regularly.