What is the “comfort zone”, does everyone need to leave it and how to do it? Psychologists’ breakdown

Valeriy Gut

psychologist, developer of the theory of adaptive intelligence

“Coaches often talk about the comfort zone in the context of personal and professional growth. If a person has a familiar life and does not change anything in it for a long time, he does not develop. Therefore, many books on improvement contain appeals and instructions on how to get out of this state. However, we should not forget about the basic thing – psychological safety. It is important for maintaining mental health. Therefore, to leave the comfort zone, you must first enter it.”

What is a comfort zone?

A comfort zone is a psychological state in which a person feels confident and safe. When we are in a familiar environment and performing familiar activities, we feel minimal tension and stress. It may include a permanent residence, a job, socializing with certain people, or daily routine activities.

However, the 21st century is the age of the fastest and most sweeping changes. Familiar professions are becoming a thing of the past. New ones appear in their place – you have to re-learn and look for another job.

Due to economic and political situations, people move to live in another country and lose contact with their relatives. The turbulence of the era is so high that scientists state mental illnesses in one billion people on the planet and predict their growth by 25% per year. Such data are published in the scientific medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry.

There are so many changes in our lives that people do not have time to adapt to new circumstances. For this reason, they increasingly experience feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, stress and depression. Such states can in no way be called a “comfort zone”.

And it is a mistake to follow the advice to leave it in order to become more successful and efficient. This will only exhaust the remaining energy resources. First you should regain your footing and take care of your psychological health. Only from such a state can you develop and try something new.

Comfort zone: pros and cons

The feeling of security and safety is a basic human need and the most important plus of the comfort zone. He or she feels mentally and physically healthy if he or she is calm and relaxed most of the time, and if there are no shocks and strong stress in his or her life.

Routine and habitual activities create stability and predictability in life. The person is confident in the future, he knows what he is doing, and can successfully cope with daily tasks. Returning to a familiar environment after the hustle and bustle, information noise and stress, we rest and recover.

The minus of the comfort zone is that without the stimulus for personal growth and development, one can get stuck at the same level.

“No person who has ever accomplished something great, new or worth a victory fist bump has ever done it without stepping outside of their comfort zone. Be confident in your abilities and don’t let doubt keep you from moving forward,” writes Jen Sincero in the book, NI SAYS.

If we stay in our comfort zone all the time, fearful and consciously avoiding change, our nervous system doesn’t get the exercise and experience it needs. The body’s adaptability decreases. Along with it, the comfort zone narrows.

When a person misses new opportunities and shuns experience because of fear of the unknown, error or loss, it can lead to stress and mental disorders.

It is important to realize that the comfort zone has its pros and cons. It can be good for rest and recovery, but staying in it long term without the desire for personal growth leads to stagnation. The balance between comfort and the pursuit of new challenges and opportunities is the key to achieving harmony in life.

Does everyone need to step out of their comfort zone?

It is important to feel good about oneself, to know one’s goals and needs. If a person is comfortable in that zone, it is not necessary to leave it. When people mindlessly choose a strategy of self-development and growth, do something just because it is fashionable or someone said so – this will probably not bring them happiness and mental balance.

An example is Irina Muravyova’s character in the movie “The Most Charming and Attractive”. Nadya Klyueva constantly goes out of her comfort zone to arrange her personal life. She follows the recommendations of her “advanced” friend Susanna to become more attractive.

But in the end, Nadia realizes that she just doesn’t need it. She becomes much happier when she returns to play tennis with an old buddy.

For those who feel dissatisfaction, the desire for something more, who want to develop and reach new heights, leaving the comfort zone can be the key to personal growth and success.

 Stanislav Sambursky

Business and clinical psychologist

“Stepping out of your comfort zone is a process of pushing your boundaries, trying new things, taking on challenges and risks. It is a way of developing one’s abilities, skills, interests and potential. If you look at the process from the outside, it’s about getting out of your comfort zone and moving towards your dreams. A comfort zone is not always a penthouse in Moscow City or your own island in the warm ocean. A greasy sofa and an old shabby Khrushchevka can also be a safe place in which a person is comfortable and from which you do not want to leave. But where do you start if you do need to get out?”

How do you get out of your comfort zone?

As scary as it can be to leave a familiar place, it can be done if you break the process down into a few steps.

1- Identify your goals and motivations

What do you want to accomplish? Why do you want to do this? How will it impact your life? Goals of any size and any level of ambition. You can set yourself the goal of becoming Minister of Health, or you can set yourself the goal of learning to be a paramedic. Both are worthy of respect, both are achievable, although a different set of actions and level of effort will be required.

2. Overcome your fears and doubts

What are you afraid of? What risks are you willing to take? How can you deal with negative emotions? On the path to any dream, fears and doubts will arise. It’s normal. When there is a plan and the dangers are thought out, it will be possible to act with them in mind and bypass them.

3. Take action gradually and consistently

What small steps can you take toward your goal? How can you track your progress and celebrate your accomplishments? A plan, broken down step by step, will help you achieve your goals first of all from a psychological point of view. Each step, each accomplishment will be an emotional reward on the way to a big dream. Praising yourself for each completed task is the right thing to do. It will motivate you to keep moving forward without giving up.

4- Seek support and feedback

Who can you share your plans and results with? Who can help or advise you? How can you learn from your own and others’ mistakes? Think about who can be your emotional support on the way to your goal. At work, often a direct supervisor will develop a specialist under you.

At college or university, find support and the right, structured connection to grow from mentors and student council activists. On the path to every dream, there are always people willing to help. You just have to look around and learn to tell others about your plans.

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