Dean of the Faculty of Sports Industry at Synergy University, International Hatha Yoga Instructor
Yoga tones our bodies, reduces stress levels and increases energy, but did you know that the practice can also help increase your libido and make your sex life more vibrant?
Yoga offers many different asanas that improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the health and proper functioning of the genitals. Also practices will make the body flexible and soft, which will positively affect your sex life and please your partner. And, of course, regular practice will make you healthier and raise your self-esteem.
Here are a few poses that will undoubtedly help you increase your libido.
Contraindications: wrist and spine injuries, inflammatory processes in the spine.
Benefits of the exercise: strengthens the muscles of the back and abdominal press, increases the flexibility of the spine, improves blood circulation of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, train the pelvic floor muscles, which are involved in orgasm.
- Stand on all fours, hands under the shoulders at shoulder width, palms tightly pressed to the mat, the middle finger of the hand looking clearly forward, knees at pelvic width.
- With an inhale, gently arch your lower back, point your chest forward and your shoulders down. Pull your nose up without tilting your head, tailbone pointing upwards.
- As you exhale, tilt your head down and press your chin to your chest, round your back, push off the palms of your hands and pull your thoracic spine upwards, pointing your gaze towards your navel.
Repeat the exercise slowly in the rhythm of your breathing 8-10 times.
Downward facing dog
Contraindications: last trimester of pregnancy, hand and shoulder injuries, severe headache.
Benefits of the exercise: makes the spine more mobile between the shoulder blades, tones the whole body, helps to remove mental noise, improves cerebral circulation, which contributes to the rejuvenation of brain cells, reduces stress and mental tension, increases concentration.
- Stand on all fours, palms under the shoulders, the distance between the palms and between the feet is the same. The fingers of the hands are widely spread, the middle finger is directed clearly forward.
- Push the pelvis up, push off the floor strongly with the hands, move the torso towards the feet, relax the neck completely, kneecaps pulled inwards, heels aiming towards the floor.
- When mastering the pose it is better to keep the knees tucked, emphasize on opening the shoulder department and working out the spine.
Fix the pose for 5-10 breathing cycles, try to breathe evenly and deeply.
Pigeon pose
Contraindications: pregnancy, knee injuries.
Benefits of the exercise: lengthens the spine, stretches the thigh muscles and opens the pelvis, stimulates the abdominal and pelvic organs, promotes relaxation.
- Stand on all fours, palms under the shoulders, the distance between the palms and between the feet is the same.
- Push your right knee forward so that it touches your right wrist, check that your right thigh is parallel to the long edges of the mat.
- Gently move your right shin slightly to the left and place your right foot on your hip. Extend the left leg backward. Make sure that the pelvis remains level and does not collapse.
- If you feel that the pelvis cannot be aligned, place a rolled-up blanket or towel under the right buttock.
- As you inhale, pull the body forward, pushing off the floor with your hands, and as you exhale, lower your elbows to the mat.
- If in this position the stretch in the right hip area is already quite intense, stay on your elbows or lower the body and lie down on your bent arms, allowing the pelvis to open more under its own weight.
Fix the pose for 8-10 breathing cycles and repeat on the other side.
Eagle pose
Contraindications: injuries of knees, elbows and wrists.
Benefits of the exercise: develops ankles and eliminates stiffness of the shoulders, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, develops balance.
- Stand up straight. Bend the right knee, place the left leg around the right thigh above the knee, move the left foot so that the left shin touches the right calf and the big toe of the left foot hooked on the right ankle.
- If you can’t hook it yet, leave the foot in the air.
- If balance is lost, place the toes of the left foot on the floor to the right of the right foot. The left foot wraps around the right foot.
- Bend your elbows and raise your arms to chest level and place your right elbow on your left arm near the elbow joint, then bring your palms together. The left arm will wrap around the right arm.
Fix the pose for 8-10 breath cycles, keep deep breathing. Then release your arms and legs and repeat on the other side.
Angle pose from a sitting position
Contraindications: injuries and chronic pain in the knees, hips.
Benefits of the exercise: improves the elasticity of the driving muscles of the thigh, hamstrings and hip joints, promotes blood circulation in the pelvic area, providing health to the pelvic organs, has a calming and refreshing effect on the brain.
- Sit on the floor, alternately spread your legs apart, maximizing the distance between them, make sure that the entire back surface of the legs pressed against the floor, toes looking straight up.
- Grasp the big toe of each foot with the index and middle fingers of the corresponding hand, straighten the spine and lengthen the rib area, point the chest upwards. Hold in this position for a few breaths, breathing deeply.
- As you exhale, lean forward as far as your body allows, if possible, lower your head to the floor, then lengthen your neck and lower your chin to the floor. If your head is not yet on the floor, try to lower your chest toward the floor with each exhalation.
Fix the pose for 5-10 breathing cycles, try to breathe evenly and deeply; on the inhale, lift the body up, release the grip of the feet, join the legs and relax.
Contraindications: pregnancy, high blood pressure, spine and knee injuries, critical days.
Benefits of the exercise: strengthens the lower back, abdominal muscles, buttocks, pelvic floor muscles, improves blood circulation throughout the body.
- Lie on the floor, put your hands along the body with palms down, bend your legs and place your feet on the width of the pelvis as close to the buttocks as possible, toes pointing straight ahead. Press your feet and palms firmly against the mat.
- As you inhale, push your feet off the mat, lift your body and pelvis as high as possible, keeping your knees pointed forward and not apart.
- Bend in the thoracic region and direct the lower ribs upwards, bring the shoulder blades closer together, actively push the shoulders and feet off the mat.
- Make sure your head is centered.
Hold the pose for 8-10 breath cycles, breathing smoothly and calmly, then gently return your back to the mat.
Bound angle pose
Contraindications: knee injuries.
Benefits of the exercise: improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, elasticity of muscles and ligaments of the groin area, reduces tension in the mind and body.
- Lie on your back, bring the feet together, bring them as close to the pelvis as possible and spread the knees apart.
- If the stretch in your hips is too intense, place pillows under each knee, place your hands with palms up along your body and close your eyes.
Stay in this position for 10 breathing cycles; then bring your knees up, relaxing the groin area.
Try practicing for 30 minutes a day. By the way, if you are seriously into yoga, you should know that it has several branches. Read about how to choose the right one for you in this article.