Every girl dreams of beautiful forms, in particular about taut buttocks. And so she comes to the gym with the only ironclad goal – to pump up her butt. A month or two goes by, but the result is still not there. What is the reason? Ekaterina Nekrasova, a top trainer of the World Class network, tells us.
Let’s start with the basics: the anatomy of the gluteal muscles
Before understanding why the buttocks do not grow, you should understand the anatomy and understand how they are organized.
- Large gluteal muscle. This is the muscle that is actually known as the gluteus maximus. Almost any lower body exercise engages the large muscle.
- The middle gluteal muscle. It is located immediately below the large muscle. Its function is to keep the human body upright while walking.
- Small gluteal muscle. It is located under the large and middle. The main function of the small gluteal muscle is to hold the weight of the body, mainly when a person uses one leg for support.
When designing a training program, you should take into account the structure of the gluteal muscles and engage each of them in training.
How do buttock muscles grow?
The buttock muscles increase in volume and grow in the same way as other muscles in our body. It must receive sufficient exercise and the necessary amount of building material – protein. After the muscle has been loaded, the recovery process starts, it takes about 24 hours. Muscle damaged by physical activity begins to remove decay products from the tissues and demand a supply of amino acids from the body. Here it is important to know that muscle recovery and growth occurs only in a state of rest, rest.
Reasons why the growth of buttocks is impossible
Now we move on to what prevents normal muscle growth. These factors can be attributed to the most common mistakes.
Training intensity
This is the most important aspect for buttocks growth. Exercise should be of such complexity that the muscles literally “tear”, so that you can feel the burning sensation. If your workout is easy, you don’t sweat, you don’t feel heavy, don’t expect a rounded shape.
Insufficient rest
You and I have already realized that muscle growth occurs during rest. In the pursuit of a pumped butt, you should not load the buttocks in every workout. Do your back or abs – let your glutes recover.
Kinetic chain
Also do not forget that it is not possible to pump the buttocks alone. It is important to develop all muscle groups in proportion. Without a beautiful elastic back, for example, there will never be pumped buttocks. And what are they to hold on to, then?
You can’t feel the target muscle
To pump a beautiful butt, it is important to do the exercise thoughtfully, to feel the muscle. If when doing exercises on the buttocks, you hover in the clouds and move automatically, automatically, there is a risk of pumping your legs. Try to fully concentrate on the exercise. Develop a neuromuscular connection between your muscles and your brain. After all, all signals come to us from the brain, set him the task to concentrate on the muscles.
Onjuiste voeding
Food must be energy valuable, otherwise the body will have nowhere to get resources to build new muscles. Eat enough protein, carbohydrates, fats and fiber.
Now you know what you need to do for muscle growth, and what, on the contrary, can prevent progress. If after a few weeks of regular exercise you are still not succeeding in changing the size or shape of your buttocks even a little, you need to start stretching your hip extensor muscles. Perform these movements throughout the day. Your extensors may not have enough elasticity and are preventing your glutes from working, as the functions of these muscles are directly opposite.
If your extensors have a lot of firmness, your gluteal muscles cannot actively work when performing strength exercises. It should be noted here that the hardness of the extensor muscles can increase due to prolonged sitting. Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle and this situation can be considered normal.