Expert “Championship” wellness coach Andrei Semeshov – about why diets are effective, but not always.
“What diet should I try now to burn fat as fast as possible?” – is probably the most popular question. There are exactly two options for the correct answer: “None” or “Any”. And both are absolutely fair. Why is it so?
About why physics is a super-accurate science.
Because it’s physics! The law of conservation of energy. It can’t come from nowhere and it can’t go nowhere. This is true for our weight loss issue as well. We are dependent on the input of energy from the outside – it is calories from food. In the process of life activities, from lying on the couch in front of the TV to participating in an ultra-marathon, we spend this energy.
Next, it’s trivial math. If we ate 100 calories, and lying on the couch, spent only 75, the difference (15 calories) will be stored in the form of fat deposits. If we do the opposite, we will force the body to compensate for the shortage by partially consuming the “safety cushion”.
The irony is that we were designed under conditions of highly irregular food supply, when every calorie was more valuable than gold, so the chances of survival were higher in those individuals who had learned to maximize fat storage at times when they could find food. So we’re all actually descendants of fat-prone homo sapiens. And to build up fatty tissues the human body for millennia of evolution has learned masterfully. And after we invented to combine in one product such combinations, which in nature will not meet (a lot of carbohydrates + a lot of fats), the built-in mechanism of fat accumulation and began to go crazy with delight.
Choose carefully: it’s easier to get fat
That is, we love and know how to store fat, but “burn” – it is difficult and only if force majeure. So any diet is an imitation of such a force majeure. We “cut” the energy (calories) intake, forcing the body to “eat up” the reserves little by little. Accordingly, the speed of this process depends mainly on the size of this delta. Other factors are so insignificant against this background that they can be neglected.
That is why the choice of a particular “diet” is unimportant. As long as it creates an energy deficit. However, it is worth considering that the more delirious the menu (for example, kefir with cucumbers), the faster the body will exhaust its vitamin and mineral reserves. In the worst case scenario – it is fatal outcome. Choose a diet should still be based on common sense and logic. Another important criterion is personal preferences. Since thinning – it is in any case a process for several weeks, you need to choose a variant that you personally will be as convenient as possible to adhere to. For example, many girls whose usual diet does not include meat dishes, at first (until the enzyme system is not reorganized) will be difficult on a high-protein diet. For others, the keto diet, emphasizing the use of fatty foods (yes, “on fats” can be successfully lose weight!), will be poorly tolerated.
So if you are so much in need of a diet – be careful with the choice. And note that “eat as much as you can” will not work. On any diet you can lose weight. Or you can get fat. It all depends on the amount, so…
Counting BGU: why?
The most, in my opinion, rational approach to weight loss is reduced to the banal accounting of everything eaten – that is, calories. Why? Because this is the most flexible approach to compiling your diet. You can “fit in” almost anything and whenever you want. For example, on one day distribute calories between cottage cheese, rice, chicken fillet and vegetables, and on another day – between chocolate and ice cream. If it’s equal in calories (and for you it’s less calories than you spend in a day), lose weight with equal success on both days. Of course, the first option – it is not very tasty, but almost all day feeling satiety, and the second – a little, but tasty. It’s a matter of choice. But as for me, the main thing is that there is always a choice.
How to count it all?
“I can not count – it is necessary not only to weigh everything, but also to know how much in this carrot contains what. And if it’s some kind of soup, it’s not clear how to calculate everything!” Do you know this line of reasoning? Don’t panic! Yes, you will have to weigh your food. But in 99% exclusively at home, in a quiet environment. There are probably kitchen scales available, so adding a plus one movement – weighing – is not difficult. In restaurants, canteens and other similar places, the weight of dishes is either indicated on the menu, or you can always check with the waiter.
The best has not been invented yet: useful free applications.
And then the magic of the XXI century begins. You take out your smartphone, open any calorie counter (the most popular today are FatSecret en MyFitnessPal, which are about as different from each other as a BMW and a Mercedes: both cope with the task perfectly) and by pressing a couple of buttons you find the desired dish, specify the number of grams and that’s it. The program will calculate calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats at the same moment. And it will even write how much and what you need (well, well, you can) to eat today.
For those who are on the “you” with their smartphone, mastering the calorie counter will take about 10 minutes. In case of difficulties, you can always type the appropriate query into the YouTube search bar and watch a tutorial video. Then the lion’s share of questions will fall away by themselves. The rest will come with experience. Based on practice, the way of mastering MyFitnessPal from scratch to the “master” level takes 2-3 days, after which the terrible and horrible calorie counting takes about five to ten minutes a day. As for me, a reasonable price for the opportunity to diversify the boring-diet menu with a donut or a custard cake at any time.
How much to weigh in grams?
If you decided to try the method of calorie counting, then in the process of mastering the program you will have a question – and how much to eat to lose weight?
The first way (and the most correct) – find out your weight, then record all your food for a week. Then add up all the calories and divide by seven (by the number of days). This is how you will determine the average daily calorie intake. If your body weight has not changed during this period, then this indicator can be taken as a reference point. And to begin with, reduce calorie intake by 10-15%.
For those who have no time and need to start losing weight yesterday, there is a plan “B”. Using the Mifflin-Jeor formula (google to help), you determine your basic energy expenditure, how much your body spends to provide your favorite self in a state of complete rest. Then multiply the obtained value by the corresponding coefficient of physical activity: 1.2-1.3 – low-active, mostly sedentary lifestyle; 1.4-1.6 – moderate activity, a couple or three workouts per week; 1.8+ – very active lifestyle, 3-4 or more workouts per week.
Where to start?
In practice, it makes sense to start with a coefficient of 1.3-1.4, gradually reducing calories by the same 10-15%. And by no means doom yourself to variants when your daily calorie intake is equal to or even lower than your basal metabolism. This will sooner or later turn into health problems. Better find out where your nearest gym is and increase your daily energy expenditure.
By the way, total calories – this is, of course, far from everything. Although it is possible to lose weight effectively by sticking to this rule alone. I like to cite the example of American blogger Anthony Howard-Crow, who successfully lost weight online by eating whiskey and ice cream. However, if you are concerned not only with the numbers on the scale, but also with your general well-being, then later you will have to delve into how much protein, fat and carbohydrates you need to eat. And how you can manipulate these ratios. But first, just start counting calories. And lose weight.