Why is your brain blocking your attempts to exercise and how do you reconfigure it?
Exercise, just like any other thing that is included in your schedule under the heading “optional”, will most often be done after a while. It’s as if your
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A psychologist explained why yelling is beneficial and gave instructions for maximum effect
Modern life is complicated. Conflicts at work, misunderstandings in the family, external circumstances, natural disasters – all this puts an imprint on mental health. In order not to
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How does bodybuilding affect life expectancy? Answers from a doctor and a trainer
trainer, author of the Bodybuilding and Fitness portal Bodybuilding captures the hearts of young men since childhood. We admire hypertrophied idols from Hollywood movies, see superheroes with huge
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Secret of millionaires: why do all rich people exercise?
sports psychologist, child-parent relations, fears, anxieties, self-discovery, RPP, nutritionology Once I was approached by a businessman, a former athlete. But because of the heavy workload at work, he
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How do you get over failure so your psyche doesn’t pull you towards another failure?
body-oriented psychologist The human psyche is organized in a complex way. It is influenced by positive and negative events of our life. Any emotional experience is stored in
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6 soorten bezoekers van fitnessclubs met gedragsbeschrijvingen. Herken jezelf!
A trainer is a profession that requires a lot of communication with people. Every day you have to come into contact with dozens of clients. Sometimes it is
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Why did everyone start sharing revelations on social media and is it worth it?
Scrolling through our social media feeds has become as commonplace for us as brushing our teeth or going to the store to buy bread. In the online space
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How to become the director of your own life and change everything in it: 5 tips
trendsetter of directing events, founder of TOBELOVE agency Any event project is a small life. At the same time, the laws of directing, according to which the event
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What to do if everything falls apart and nothing works? Instructions from a neuropsychologist
Is it good luck or bad luck? Breaking a glass or a plate, we immediately think about it – what kind of omen and what consequences to expect
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What kind of mental problems does the tendency to cheat on small things indicate? 6 possible causes
Yesterday, I forgot to call my family and referred to being busy, which I wasn’t. Today I was late for work and made up a story about the
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