How to stop worrying about everything and become wiser: 4 tips and 2 exercises
How to stop worrying about everything and become wiser: 4 tips and 2 exercises January 18, 2023, 18:45 MSC Together with a psychologist we understand the reasons for
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7 signs that your inner child needs healing
psychologist, gestalt therapist The inner child lives in every person. It is responsible for creativity and joy of life. Alas, most people have it scarred by resentments and
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10 qualities of a true woman that attract men. Check yourself against the list
psychologist, mentor It has long been believed that a true woman is the one who fully devotes herself to her family and household. However, times have changed, and
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A psychologist described 5 types of energy vampires and gave instructions on self-defense
Sometimes after a conversation with someone we talk to, we feel empty. It seems as if you were talking about an innocuous topic, but the feeling is as
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10 grim but witty Wansday phrases for different occasions
10 grim but witty Wansday phrases for different occasions Olga Astafieva January 22, 2023, 18:30 MSC We are inspired by Ms. Addams’ radical approach. Why is Wansday so
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6 phrases that you can not say to a man, if he is dear to you: instructions from a psychologist
psychologist, relationship expert Any relationship involves a lot of work. It is quite easy to destroy the harmonious world. Sometimes a couple of phrases said under the influence
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10 stereotypes imposed from childhood that can make you unhappy all your life
Career counselor, ICF international standards coach Our brain is organized in such a way that it will always look for external confirmations of inner beliefs. That is why
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Wisdom and Sarcasm: 25 best quotes by Faina Ranevskaya for different occasions of life
Wisdom and Sarcasm: 25 best quotes by Faina Ranevskaya for different occasions of life Olga Astafieva January 24, 2023, 18:45 MSK About health and beauty, men and women,
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10 things you may regret in old age if you don’t do now
clinical psychologist, author of the Telegram channel “Psychologist writes…” Being young, it is difficult to realize that every day of life is an incredible gift of fate. All
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How women manipulate men to get their way: 5 top techniques
psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences Manipulator – a person who always acts in favor of his interests. Someone is peculiar to apply manipulation at work, and someone in
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