How to exercise for varicose veins? 6 exercises for prevention and doctor’s advice

Egor Khodyrev


“Varicosis is a disease accompanied by dilated veins of the lower extremities, impaired blood flow and valve function. Normally, blood circulates through the body, providing all organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The venous valves in the legs help transport blood from the bottom to the top and prevent it from flowing downward and stagnating under the force of the earth’s gravity. If the function of these valves is impaired, vein problems begin.”

Varicose veins are more common in women than in men. This problem is very common in the world and correlates well with a country’s level of development. The higher the level of development of a country, the higher percentage of the population suffers from varicose veins.

Based on this, the World Health Organization has classified varicose veins as a disease of civilization, which is associated with the increasing number of urban dwellers and scientific and technological development. According to research data, in Russia, varicose veins affect 18-25% of the able-bodied population.

Grigory Dudin

Doctor of LFC and sports medicine, therapist

“Obesity and hypodynamia are factors in the degeneration of muscle tissue into fatty tissue. The vein wall does not have a muscular component, and in order to push the blood from the bottom to the top, you need active muscle work, and if all the muscles around have degenerated into fat, to do this is much more difficult.”

Causes of varicose veins

There are several causes that determine the risk of varicose veins on the legs.

Heredity. If you have a family history of lower extremity varicose veins, you are in the risk group. Especially women.

Zwangerschap. During pregnancy, the volume of blood in the body of the future mother increases, which creates an additional load on the veins. The fetus and uterus squeeze the pelvic vessels, and this prevents normal venous outflow. Also during pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, which affects the walls of blood vessels.

Improper diet. If you eat a lot of fatty, fried and saturated with animal fats, you can face obesity. It increases the risk of developing varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Long physical exertion. If you spend a lot of time on your feet, the vessels and valves become deformed. This happens because of the constantly high pressure in the veins, in which the walls thin out and become brittle. Cooks, waiters, receptionists, surgeons, office workers, hairdressers are often susceptible to this.

Uncomfortable shoes with high heels. Such shoes create a static load and do not allow the muscles to contract in full amplitude. Vessels are squeezed, and the outflow of blood is disturbed, which increases the risk of varicose veins.

Sedentary lifestyle. When we lead a sedentary lifestyle, and the load on the muscles is absent, the blood begins to stagnate, and the walls of the veins stop contracting. Gradually the vessels are stretched, the function of valves is disturbed, varicose thickenings and knots are formed.

Large excess weight. The more overweight a person is, the stronger the load on the vessels of the legs. Also, obese people lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat incorrectly, and these are two additional reasons to get varicose veins.

Age. As we age, various changes occur in our body. The blood vessels lose elasticity and strength, and as a result, they begin to stretch. The vein walls and valves stop performing their functions fully and become weak.

Signs of varicose veins

Diagnosis of the presence or absence of varicose veins of the lower extremities is based on the results of ultrasound (ultrasound).

The disease in its earliest stages runs slowly and is practically asymptomatic, so many people do not pay attention to it for years, and sometimes decades. As a rule, appears at a young age, in women – during or after pregnancy.

In the initial stages are bothered by fatigue in the legs, a feeling of heaviness and increased fatigue of the lower extremities, flushing, burning and sometimes night cramps in the calf muscles. Also at the beginning of the disease may appear swelling and pain along the course of the veins, while they may not even be dilated.

As the pathology progresses, fatigue in the legs becomes stronger and more often gives notice, especially manifested in the evening, after a day of work. External changes of the disease become more pronounced. Patients feel itching, bruises and bruises appear. At neglected stages, varicose veins are externally manifested in the form of red spots on the skin, peeling, the formation of dark pigmented spots, the disappearance of hair.

Summarizing all of the above, the signs may be the following:

  • a feeling of heaviness, distention and soreness in the legs;
  • burning sensation, throbbing, cramping, itching;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • bloated veins and venous netting – veins begin to bulge, bumpy, forming knots and thickening;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • the presence of red spots, peeling, the appearance of ulcers in the ankle area means a severe form of pathology and requires immediate action.

Complex exercises for varicose veins

The most effective exercises for varicose veins of the lower extremities are those that actively participate in the development of leg muscles. Active walking, light running and various strength exercises are excellent.

Flexion and extension of the legs lying on the back


  • Lie on your back. Straighten your legs at the knees. Make a slight bend in the lower back, but avoid a strong bend.
  • Extend your straight arms behind your head. This will better stabilize the body and relieve unnecessary stress.
  • As you exhale, bend your legs at the knees, pointing them towards your abdomen. Relax the neck, it does not need to be tense. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor.
  • As you inhale, smoothly straighten your legs to the starting position. Watch the position of the lower back.

Perform one approach of 10-15 repetitions. Rest after the exercise – one minute.



  • Stand on all fours. Keep the body straight. Distribute the load evenly on the knees and arms.
  • Arms straightened at the elbows, are strictly under the shoulders. The fingers are brought together and look forward.
  • The distance between the knees is two fists. The hips and shin form a right angle, and the feet stand on half toes and rest on the floor.
  • Next, extend one leg backwards.
  • As you exhale, bring your knee to your abdomen and bend your back upwards and press your chin to your chest. Pull your stomach inward.
  • As you inhale, straighten your leg back, arching your back downward, and lift your head until your gaze is pointed straight ahead.

Perform one approach of 10-15 repetitions. Rest after the exercise – one minute.

Leg press up


  • Lie on your back. Raise your legs up and slightly bend at the knees. Put your toes on yourself.
  • Extend your straight arms behind your head. This will better stabilize the body and relieve unnecessary strain.
  • As you inhale, bend your legs at the knees, pointing them toward your abdomen. Relax the neck, it does not need to be tense. The shoulder blades are pressed to the floor.
  • As you exhale, straighten your legs upwards. Imagine that you are pressing a platform or a box with your legs.

Perform one approach of 10-15 repetitions. Rest after the exercise – one minute.

Rolling from heel to toe


  • It is necessary to stand barefoot on a flat surface, so that the feet are in close contact with the floor.
  • The back is straight. Scapulae together, chest forward. Hold the support with your hands to keep your balance.
  • As you exhale, lift yourself upwards with a powerful movement due to the toes of your feet. Hold in this position for one to three seconds. The higher the level of athleticism, the longer stay in the upper point.
  • As you inhale, roll smoothly from toes to heels.

Perform two or three approaches of 10-20 times. Rest between approaches – one to two minutes.

Flexion and extension of the lower leg in a leg up position


  • Lie on your back. Lift your legs up and straighten at the knees. Pull the toes toward you.
  • Extend your straight arms behind your head. This will better stabilize the body and relieve unnecessary strain. Legs slightly bent or straight. Whatever you feel comfortable with.
  • As you exhale, straighten your lower leg, pulling your toes away from you. Imagine that your feet are pushing a box away from you.
  • As you inhale, bend your lower leg, pulling your toes toward you.

Perform one approach of 10-15 repetitions. Rest after the exercise – one minute.

Stretching of the lower extremities


  • Sit on your buttocks with a flat back and straighten your legs forward. Make a slight bend in the lower back.
  • As you exhale, pull your socks toward you so that your legs are straight at the knees. Straighten your arms in front of you and pull them to your toes. Hold in this position for 30-60 seconds.
  • The back is straight.
  • On an inhalation, relax for 10-15 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Perform three approaches for 30-60 seconds. Rest between approaches – 10-15 seconds.

What exercises should not be done with varicose veins?

Grigory Dyudin: According to the results of ultrasound can determine the presence of chronic venous insufficiency, the presence or tendency to thrombosis and changes in the walls of the veins. This may be a contraindication to physical activity. Exercise itself is not prohibited in varicose veins, on the contrary, it is a means of prevention and treatment.”

  1. It is recommended to avoid extreme strength training and to give preference to exercises with a moderate strength load.
  2. It is recommended to limit static exercises. For example, the plank or chair.
  3. It is recommended to choose the distance for long distance running in moderation, also control the intensity of acceleration.
  4. It is recommended to minimize intense jumping rope.
  5. It is recommended to carefully perform active stretches.

What is not recommended for varicose veins?

With varicose veins and a high risk of its occurrence, it is worth avoiding prolonged sitting on a chair. Get up as often as possible to warm up or do toe raises while sitting.

Standing in one place for long periods of time is not recommended. Take breaks to rest your legs. It is enough to sit for a few minutes and do a light warm-up.

Avoid overheating of the legs and high temperatures if there are contraindications.

Cure or completely remove manifestations of varicose veins with the help of exercises will not work. Moderate physical activity and exercise will help to improve venous blood flow, increase the strength and endurance of the muscles of the lower extremities, reduce weight and improve overall health. Illness does not mean that you should forget about sports and your favorite hobbies.

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