By the age of 36, Pavel Durov is the founder of the popular social network Vkontakte, the creator of the messenger Telegram and a dollar billionaire. On his birthday, he shared seven rules that he has been following for the past 10 years. According to Durov, they help him stay young and healthy. Let’s analyze them together with nutritionist and fitness trainer Andrei Semesjov.
Give up alcohol
In general, alcohol, like other addictive substances, has a negative effect on health. It is better not to consume it at all or to do so “with rare exceptions,” Durov believes.
Andrey: There is no doubt that alcohol is a poison for the human body. It adds neither beauty nor youth. However, sometimes 1-2 glasses of wine or a mug of beer can bring emotional pleasure and lift your mood, which outweighs the negative impact. But you should not overdo it, you should know the measure in everything, as Pavel Durov notes.
More sleep
Sleep is the period during which the body recovers. However, it is very difficult to sleep every day for eight hours. At least try to keep the regime, because a 12-hour rest on weekends does not compensate for a 5-hour rest on weekdays.
Andrei: It is easy for children and people in old age to keep a clear regime. The rest of us can try not to steal precious time from ourselves, which can be spent sleeping, watching TV series or hanging out on social networks.
Don’t overeat
Does it often happen: you are already full, but the dish is so delicious that you want to cut off another piece. But you should not do this. Durov reminds that excess weight can provoke a dozen diseases and makes people visually older. And eating more than three times a day is a bad habit.
Andrei: Humans as a species are not tied to the regime: eat large portions three times a day or snack six times – whoever is more comfortable. The key thing is not to overeat. And frankly overweight, as well as painful thinness, has not yet decorated anyone.
Moderate regular physical activity helps you be healthier and prolong your life. The entrepreneur prefers cardio workouts to walking, cycling and swimming outdoors.
Andrei: Given our busy, minute-by-minute day, it is difficult to do full-blown exercise. That’s why it’s important to move a lot and not when inspiration and desire comes, but every day.
Keeping an eye on stress
Pavel Durov believes that it is extremely important to control the level of stress. This is useful not only for the emotional state, but also for the whole organism. Stoic techniques and walks in nature help him in this.
Andrei: Of course, everyone’s stress level [today] is extremely high, and everyone needs to cope with it by finding their own way. For me personally, it’s sports, but I’m sure the stoic techniques mentioned by Paul are just as effective.
Give up meat
Farm-raised meat is exactly what you should avoid. Durov believes that the unhealthy nature of this product is due to the way livestock is raised and slaughtered. This can be influenced by the use of growth hormones, special feeds, etc.
Andrew: As a rule, meat is given up by those who take the path of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Vegetarians very often stop consuming alcohol along with meat, giving preference to jogging, yoga. I don’t see it [meat] as a special misfortune. Another thing is that seafood and fish, available in most grocery stores, are unlikely to pass even a superficial doping control.
Living alone
Pavel Durov says that when a person lives alone, his habits do not depend on the behavior of others. You can shape your day and environment without thinking about the convenience of your neighbor. However, the entrepreneur admits that people who do not depend on unhealthy social norms are also independent in their personal lives.
Andrei: Manis a biosocial being after all, and if he spends most of his life at home, alone, how can he fill the need for society? Personally, I am definitely not made for loneliness.