otorhinolaryngologist-otolaryngologist-otosurgeon, FNAC FMBA of Russia
Protracted runny nose or chronic rhinitis is a fairly common pathology that almost every person has encountered. With proper treatment, the problem goes away within five to seven days after the start of therapy.
Many people are negligent in treating runny nose, believing that the ailment will pass on its own. But this is not always the case, because in some cases rhinitis can be a symptom of dangerous diseases.
There are several forms of chronic rhinitis:
- hypertrophic;
- atrophic;
- vasomotor;
- medicated.
1. Catarrhal rhinitis
Usually develops due to a decrease in the body’s immunity against the background of infectious diseases of the ENT (sinusitis, pharyngitis), as well as untreated acute rhinitis.
In the catarrhal form of rhinitis there is moderate nasal congestion, itching and burning, abundant mucous discharge, decreased sense of smell.
2. Hypertrophic rhinitis
The presence of a constant inflammatory process in the nasal cavity provokes modification of the nasal mucosa and overgrowth of connective tissue, as well as narrowing of the nasal passages, which causes hypertrophic rhinitis.
Patients are bothered by constant nasal congestion, headaches, “nasality” of the voice, mucous or mucous-purulent masses, possibly the appearance of bad breath.
3 Atrophic rhinitis
The atrophic form of rhinitis is characterized by thinning of the respiratory mucosa and widening of the nasal passages.
The main symptoms are:
- itching and burning in the nose;
- the presence of thick mucous discharge;
- formation of “crusts” in the nose;
- minor periodic nosebleeds;
- decreased or loss of sense of smell.
4. Vasomotor rhinitis
It is provoked by various diseases and conditions accompanied by a violation of the tone of the vascular wall, such as low blood pressure (hypotension), somatoform disorders.
5. Medicated rhinitis
Occurs against the background of prolonged intake of certain drugs, for example, neuroleptics (psychotropic drugs), tranquilizers, as well as the long-term use of vasoconstrictive nasal drops.
6. Allergies
In spring, allergic rhinitis occurs most often, provoked by contact with an allergen, and to be more precise – aeroallergen (pollen of plants) that fly in the air.
The strongest irritants: birch, alder, poplar, ragweed, plantain, dandelion, chamomile and wormwood.
It should be noted that allergies can debut at any age, so it is possible that a runny nose that persists for weeks or months may be a symptom of a reaction to pollen or pet hair.
7. Climate
The onset of rhinitis during winter is most often caused by dry indoor air and decreased humidity outdoors.
In addition, chronic rhinitis can develop due to:
- hormonal changes taking place in the body (rhinitis of pregnant women);
- nasal trauma;
- exposure to unfavorable environmental factors and harmful industrial factors;
- living in unfavorable environmental conditions;
- afwijkend neustussenschot;
- presence of polyps and other neoplasms (including malignant) in the nasal cavity;
- frequent adenoiditis.
Detect the cause of prolonged rhinitis allows laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. The patient is shown rhinoscopy, radiography of the sinuses, if necessary, it will be necessary to conduct endoscopic rhinoscopy, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography).
If allergies are suspected, it is necessary to take a blood test. Depending on the clinical picture, the specialist selects therapy.
For the treatment of chronic rhinitis, antibiotic therapy is used, antihistamines, glucocorticoids, physiotherapy and climatotherapy, surgical treatment are used.