In the spring season it is important to make a program of activities that will give a boost of energy, strengthen your health, improve the physical and spiritual condition of your body, get rid of sleep deprivation and bad mood. It is extremely important to do this, because during the off-season, the body is vulnerable, prone to apathy and meteorological dependence, and therefore needs vitamin recharging and physical activity.
Together with experts, we tell you how to strengthen your body after winter and prepare it for summer.
Refuse unhealthy food
In spring, you need to minimize the consumption of fast food, caloric drinks, fatty dairy products, confectionery, sauces, nuts and dried fruits. These foods will add heaviness because of their calorie content.
It is better to make a diet of seasonal vegetables and fruits recommended by nutrition experts.
Be sure to include in your diet greens (especially – dill, cilantro, spinach, parsley, arugula), vegetables (especially – carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, beets), eggs (and no protein omelets, the yolk is mandatory), legumes and citrus fruits. Also in spring to support our health and beauty will help valuable vegetable oils: wheat germ oil, hemp oil, sea buckthorn oil. These oils are very concentrated and can be added half a teaspoon to porridge in the morning or to a salad for lunch.
In spring we face a deficiency of vitamins D, A (retinol), PP, B1, B2. And it is also highly recommended to supplement the list of vitamins to which you should pay special attention, folic acid. Taking quality vitamin complexes and biological supplements can give an excellent effect only in combination with proper nutrition.
If you are very busy at work, hold a meeting or talk on the phone during a walk or sit on the veranda during your lunch break. Spring is the most suitable season for jogging. Optimal temperatures are accompanied by the length of daylight hours. Other physical activities can also be moved to the park or outdoor playgrounds.
Establish a sleep schedule
In spring, it is crucial to adhere to a sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time, put electronic devices away from the bed, and relax for 30-60 minutes before falling asleep. This will help clear your mind, immerse yourself and end the day on a positive note.
Don’t forget to air out the room before going to bed. Somnologists say that the ideal temperature for falling asleep and sleeping ranges between 18 and 21°C. Before going to bed, you can also meditate, make plans for the next day and remember what you have already done.
Take a course of vitamins
Depression and apathy can sometimes appear in spring. Weather-dependent people begin to experience frequent headaches, mood swings, muscle and joint pain, as well as suffer from pressure spikes. To restore the normal process of the body helps vitamins.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician, nutriciologist, integrative medicine specialist
For those who live in the middle zone, the most noticeable vitamin deficiency manifests itself, as a rule, in spring, when the body for the long winter wasted the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. accumulated during the past summer.
Therefore, it is necessary to find out which vitamins are incompatible with each other, and only then purchase a multivitamin preparation, having previously looked at the description of its composition.
What combinations should be avoided in multivitamin complexes:
- B1 is not combined with B12: the cobalt ions in cyanocobalamin destroy thiamine;
- B2 does not combine with B12: riboflavin promotes thiamine oxidation;
- B6 does not combine with B1: destruction of vitamin B6 leads to cobalt accumulation;
- B12 does not combine with vitamin E and B9 (folic acid) because they have different pH. B12 is not combined with C and PP: simultaneous intake leads to their destruction;
- Vitamin A should not be combined with vitamin C: this will disrupt the metabolism of ascorbic acid;
- Vitamin A is not combined with vitamin D: they mutually neutralize each other;
- Vitamin D is not combined with vitamin E: if taken at the same time, vitamin E is oxidized.
According to Irina, no matter what supplements you take, together with food or on an empty stomach, they should be washed down with a glass of water, so that they do not linger in the esophagus, causing irritation. To avoid heartburn, you should not assume a horizontal position immediately after you have taken the remedy with water.
It is important to remember that even while taking vitamins, you need to watch your diet and avoid eating junk food.
In addition to keeping your body toned, exercising outside of the home can help you develop organization and self-discipline.
Find a new hobby
In spring, not only the nature around us renews itself, but also the person himself. Therefore, it’s a great time to try your hand at a new field. After the fall and winter period, many people may experience seasonal affective disorder. It occurs due to the lack of sunlight and increased melatonin production during the winter.
As spring begins to lighten up and the sun comes out a little more often, depressive symptoms are completely suppressed and there is a desire for change. These should be taken advantage of. Sign up for a dance class, start biking, go on a little road trip, try your hand at painting or cooking healthy meals. It will only broaden your horizons and add motivation.