The aroma of tangerines is associated with vacations, New Year vacations, expectation of a miracle and brings back warm memories from childhood.
This fruit is rich in vitamin C, which is so necessary in the cold season for immunity, contains a lot of vitamin A, useful for skin beauty and visual acuity.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Medical Director of CITILAB Laboratory, Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
Citrus fruits contain fiber, which improves digestion, and their essential oils disinfect the air, lift the mood and reduce anxiety. However, there are a few conditions in which you should be careful with tangerines.
Liver and kidney diseases
From tangerines will have to refrain from acute nephritis (damage to kidney tissue), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).
GI problems
Tangerines contain acid, which can irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are contraindicated in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
It is also worth being careful with tangerines with gastritis, since fruit acids irritate the intestinal and gastric mucosa. Orient on your well-being and the recommendations of your doctor.
If you are allergic to citrus fruits, you may experience skin itching, rashes, skin redness, hives, and tearing.
You can check if you are allergic with laboratory tests. Phadiatop ImmunoCAP (Phadiatop ImmunoCAP) is considered the “gold standard” of allergy diagnosis and is suitable for both adults and children.
The analysis is completely safe, it is carried out on a standard blood sample, the patient does not come into contact with the allergen during the study, unlike skin tests, where the allergic reaction is assessed visually.
For the youngest there are tests for allergies by coprofiltrate – they are conducted on a fecal sample.
Interessant feit: citrus fruits are not the most common allergen. In the “leaders” among food allergens are: milk, eggs, fish, nuts, wheat, soy, seafood, peanuts.
Food intolerance
Often there is a hidden food intolerance that only manifests itself by eating too many tangerines. You can check for food intolerance with a special test called FOX (Food Xplorer).
Its results detail the individual reaction to 286 allergens and allow you to create a personalized diet – a healthy and safe food system.
During pregnancy and lactation
And although in this case there is no strict ban on citrus fruits, it is better to limit their consumption. Especially if the woman is prone to allergies. It is recommended to consult a doctor.
If there are no contraindications, tangerines are useful. However, in everything you need to know the measure.
An adult should limit the consumption of tangerines to a maximum of four or five pieces a day, and children are enough just two.