Let’s find out together with the doctor.
The world would be incomparably simpler if all issues could be solved by a series of easy actions. But alas, it is not. You can’t teleport home from traffic or lose weight at the snap of your fingers. Science is advancing, and if nothing can be done about the issue of moving in space, the dynamically developing industry of cosmetic surgeries seems to be ready to solve the issue of the shape and size of our bodies. Thus, liposuction is one of the most popular procedures of aesthetic surgery in Western countries. Its meaning is to “suck” the fat from the places of its accumulation by vacuum apparatus.
doctor of the highest qualification category, head of the department of functional diagnostics.
In places for which liposuction, fat deposits, as a rule, no longer accumulate. But the number of fat cells over time is restored and fat can be deposited in other places where before it was not.
After such a high-profile failure, liposuction was silent for many years, until in 1976, when father and son Fischer successfully removed fat from a patient’s abdomen using the same curette.
Another important period in the modernization of the procedure was 1985. Drs. Klein and Lillis used the tumescent liposuction method. The solution invented by their tandem – a combination of saline, lidocaine and adrenaline – reduced the size of blood vessels and turned fat into a liquid mass that was much easier to remove.
It wasn’t until the 1990s that two methods appeared that went hand in hand with Klein and Lillis’ work: ultrasound and laser liposuction, which are still used today.
However, if we go deeper into the question, we can learn that, except for aesthetic body correction, liposuction is also performed in other situations:
- In lipoma (fatty tumor formation) and disseminated lipomatosis (localized overgrowth of adipose tissue);
- lipedema syndrome and lipodystrophy;
- to reduce the size of scars;
- in insulin and HIV-associated lipodystrophy (abnormalities in adipose tissue) and some other cases.
Liposuction has gained fame as a predominantly aesthetic surgery, but the technique itself has great potential for medical applications.
Fat cells lose viability in the area where the procedure was performed. However, this is not a “magic pill” that gets rid of excess weight once and for all. The result obtained must be consolidated moderate balanced diet, sufficient physical activity. Otherwise, extra pounds will soon return.