Menstruation for many girls is a “legal” way to skip physical education classes at school or institute. But if sport is an integral part of life and there is no need to look for a reason to cancel training, a legitimate question arises: will the stresses of “these days” have a negative impact on health? Let’s find out together with Evgeniya Nazimova, medical trainer of Basis Genomic Group, gynecologist-endocrinologist of the highest category, chief physician of “Clinic of Dr. Nazimova” and expert of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM.
How do hormones affect training?
Menstruation is a process regulated by sex hormones. In order for menstruation to begin, the level of estrogen and progesterone in a woman’s body must drop dramatically. 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation and in its first days, the level of estrogens in the blood is at a minimum. And they are responsible for blood supply to tissues, regulate pain threshold and metabolism, as well as contribute to a good mood and high motivation, including for sports.
Thanks to estrogen, workouts are much more satisfying and produce better results. Therefore, in terms of the state of the body during menstruation, the effectiveness of exercise may be slightly reduced. On the other hand, the level of the hormone testosterone is slightly higher during this period, which means that the strength characteristics of the muscles increase. Therefore, strength training during menstruation may be more effective.
Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?
Nevertheless, the decision whether or not to interrupt training on “these days” should be made taking into account the way a woman’s menstruation is. Normally, menstrual bleeding should not be heavy and should not be painful. There should also be no violation of general well-being: headache, nausea, increased blood pressure, etc. With deviations from the norm, a woman obviously experiences pronounced discomfort. Therefore, it is inappropriate to engage in sports at this time. The body is already trying to cope with unfavorable processes, and to give it an additional load is not worth it. It makes sense to consult a gynecologist to correct the existing deviations.
If menstruation is comfortable, the woman feels well, then the classes may well not be interrupted. However, it is recommended to reduce the intensity of training and reduce the weight of weights in strength training.
What should be the training during menstruation?
For the menstrual period, moderate aerobic exercise is best. For example, walking, light running or yoga and Pilates classes. In general, physical activity activates blood circulation, reduces painful cramping, improves the digestive tract and contributes to a more comfortable feeling during menstrual bleeding.
In addition, exercise stimulates the production of joy hormones – endorphins in the body, and therefore helps to lift your mood. However, in the days of abundant discharge should be excluded exercises associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure (to strengthen the abdominal press, leg press, etc.) The fact is that it can provoke a reverse flow of blood and particles of endometrial tissue from the uterine cavity in the fallopian tubes and through them – in the abdominal cavity. That is, there is an increased risk of endometriosis in women who have a predisposition to this disease due to genetic features.
What should you eat during menstruation?
In training, you should especially follow the drinking regimen. During menstrual bleeding, the body loses additional fluid, so you should compensate for these losses by consuming enough water. In addition, there are losses of protein and iron, and many during this period complain of changes in the digestive tract. Therefore, the diet should include a sufficient amount of protein and iron-rich foods: fish, meat (primarily beef), liver, eggs, dairy products (if well tolerated), greens, vegetables.
Also, do not forget about healthy fats: avocados, nuts, cold-pressed olive and flaxseed oils. Cholesterol contained in animal products will be a good basis for the synthesis of estrogen, and polyunsaturated fatty acids will improve brain function and increase tissue elasticity, increasing the effectiveness of training. Avoiding simple carbohydrates will also be beneficial.
Increased attention should be paid to intimate hygiene. During menstruation due to low estrogen levels, the microflora becomes more vulnerable: increased sweating and bloody discharge increase the risk of developing disorders. Therefore, you should not neglect showering after training.