4 things it’s best not to do after a workout

Did you do the hardest strength training? Good for you! But you can’t relax. If you don’t want to waste all your efforts, you should refrain from these activities. World Class fitness trainer Stanislav Vakhrushev explains why and from what.

Eat immediately after training

The expert explains that in the first 30 minutes after training it is necessary to let the body calm down, reduce stress. Food intake is not appropriate here, as the gastrointestinal tract is not able to calmly and fully digest food against the background of stress. The exception is sports supplements in the form of amino acids and proteins, which are digested much faster and easier.

Limit water intake

Stanislav Vakhrushev advises to drink during and after training. Of course, not in a volley, but in small sips, as needed, because the body loses water during exercise. Any restrictions in the use of water will have a negative impact on the kidneys, which threatens to delay fluid under the skin and swelling.

Forgetting to warm up

The purpose of a post-workout warm-up is to calm the body, lower the heart rate, relieve stress, and relax the muscles.

Stanislav: The nervous system will experience unnecessary strain, because you will have to quickly switch to everyday activities, almost without recovering, and this will increase irritability, fatigue. So do not neglect this seemingly useless process!

Drink coffee

Fitness trainer Stanislav Vakhrushev does not advise drinking coffee immediately after a workout, especially an intense one. This will give an unnecessary load on the heart, increase blood pressure, cause excessive irritability, which in turn prevents the natural recovery of the body and the work of the hormone insulin. Especially contraindicated reception of the drink to people-hypertensive people and people with heart disease. It is necessary to endure a couple of hours before enjoying your favorite drink!

Advice from a specialist

In turn, the trainer advises not to deny yourself a day’s sleep, especially if you train early in the morning.

Stanislav: Here you should be guided by your own feelings of comfort. In this case a daytime nap will even be necessary to recover after training and to finish the working day productively. 30-60 minutes of afternoon sleep will most likely be necessary for you.

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