6 reasons why you can’t achieve a flat tummy

6 reasons why you can’t get a flat stomach

6 reasons why there is no flat tummy

Even if you exercise regularly and do not allow yourself extra.

Why can’t you get a flat belly and how to fix it?

We tell together with a fitness trainer.

Elena Skoblova

supervisor and master trainer of the gym World Classes

You can’t do it for a number of reasons. But if we solve them all together, the result will not be far off.

  • Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages negatively affect the body composition. Therefore, it is better to give them up.
  • Posture. Slouching appears due to improper functioning of the upper body. Strengthening the back can be a great way to tighten the abdomen.
  • Scars. After surgeries and scar formation, the connective tissue on the abdomen can become less elastic.


  • Lie on your back with your legs elevated.
  • Start moving your legs as if pedaling a bicycle.
  • Twist your torso a little to feel the tension of the muscles.

Perform 15-20 times.


  • Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent at the knees.
  • Maximize the tension in your abs.
  • Reach with the elbow of your right hand to your left knee and the elbow of your left hand to your right knee.

Perform 10-15 times.


  • Rest your palms and feet on the floor.
  • Keep your body parallel to the floor.
  • Pull one of your knees alternately to your chest and return to the starting position

Do 15-20 times.


  • Rest your palms (or forearms) and feet on the floor, feet together.
  • Keep your body parallel to the floor.

Stay in this position for about 30 seconds. You can increase the time over time.

Elena: Exercises can be of any kind: twists, different types of planks, leg lifts in hanging. The main thing is to choose the ones in which you can feel the abdominal muscles working.

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