7 situations that are important to get right or your health could sprinkle

Anything can happen in life. Alas, we are usually completely unprepared for the most difficult moments….

Difficult life situations are scenarios in which a person’s usual life activities are disrupted. It becomes impossible to satisfy their basic needs with the previous way of behavior, but ignoring them can lead to severe consequences.

Catherine of Tours

doctor, psychosomatic specialist, neuropsychologist

Any extreme or extraordinary situations have a stressful effect on a person. These include different changes in life. Both pleasant and negative. However, there are certain crises that require immediate action. Why?

There is a close relationship between man and his living conditions. His reaction to these conditions affects his health – both mental and physical. The two are also closely linked.

What situations are particularly dangerous and how should you act if they happen?

1. Loss of loved ones

When a person loses a loved one, it is a very difficult experience. Death always leads to the living of grief. It forms when there is a realization that the person is not coming back. This is a difficult thing to come to terms with.

It is the most painful emotion that is important to live through properly. Strong heartache can not help but change the usual life.

How to get through it?

  • Live the grief, give yourself permission to cry.
  • Do not close in yourself, socialize with other people.
  • Make time for yourself.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Do not hesitate to seek help from professionals.

2. Breakup

Parting with close and beloved people is always stressful, which is quite difficult to survive. Especially if the initiator was another person. Recovery after a breakup requires a lot of effort and time.

At the same time, psychological traumas can be aggravated, which will have a negative impact on the overall sense of self.

How to survive this?

  • Give yourself permission to suffer.
  • Do not blame yourself for what happened.
  • Engage in your favorite activities, move more, socialize with other people, change your environment.

3. unexpected health problems

One of the biggest fears of most people is the fear of getting sick. Especially if it can significantly change the usual way of life. Illness is stressful not only for the patient, but also for their loved ones.

And it may not necessarily be a serious illness. Even dental problems will become unpleasant. Financially costly, always unexpected and extremely unpleasant. This also includes acute diseases and even exacerbations of chronic pathology.

When the doctor voices the diagnosis, it is a shock and denial. However, such a situation requires immediate action.

How to survive it?

  • Do not keep emotions in yourself, allow them to be.
  • Don’t blame yourself.
  • Work with feelings of fear and anxiety. Try to articulate exactly what it is that you are afraid of.
  • Talk to a professional who can tell you how to work through the fear in the right way.

4. Losing a job/getting a new job

Every person is afraid of losing a job. Especially unexpectedly. Such a change will turn a person’s life upside down, because it is a blow to the budget and self-esteem. A person feels fear of the future, anger and apathy. Job loss always leads to a personal crisis, with which it is important to be able to cope. The only thing that can be more stressful for a person is divorce and the death of loved ones.

Entering a new place of work is an important stage in life. It is always accompanied by stress. Everything new our brain perceives as a danger.

How to survive it?

  • Accept the situation.
  • Give yourself time to adapt.
  • Allow yourself to feel sad.
  • Don’t lose faith in yourself.
  • Don’t shame yourself.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Take action.

5. Betrayal of a loved one

It can be difficult to survive betrayal. There is a feeling of being stabbed in the back. It can take any form: treason, spreading rumors, stealing. Such an act not only leads to the breakdown of relations with the traitor, but also to a decrease in self-esteem.

Betrayal always causes a strong emotional reaction. A person feels pain and shame.

How do you get over it?

  • Give yourself time to accept the situation.
  • Do not think about revenge.
  • Don’t hold a grudge.
  • Don’t blame yourself for what happened.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Get busy, take more walks, play sports.

6. Upcoming move

A change of residence always affects the psyche of a person. It does not matter whether it is a new apartment or another country. It itself causes a lot of inconvenience, even when planned. And if it arises suddenly for any reason, you need to gather your thoughts and start acting.

For any person, moving is an internal shock. It means parting with the past, exploring a new space. This can cause both devastation and elation.

How do you get through it?

  • Make a plan.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Give yourself time to adjust.
  • Don’t be afraid to meet new people.
  • If it is a move to another country, learn the language, attend local events and festivals.
  • Explore the new place.
  • Praise yourself for being brave.
  • Replace anxiety about the unknown with a thirst for adventure.
Do you even need the move? HERE, a psychologist lists the pros and cons of changing your place of residence and helps you understand when it’s worth it.

7. Renovation

Just like moving, the event is quite energy-consuming. Repairs are often sudden. It causes a lot of emotions, most of them negative. The fear of lack of money, that it will not be possible to do beautifully or qualitatively is aggravated.

This is all superimposed on the mistakes of the construction team, delays in deadlines, unreasonable expectations. As a result – severe stress.

How to survive it?

  • Learn to be flexible.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  • Give yourself time to rest.
  • Take care of yourself.
If you can be thrown off balance not only by global stress, but also by any trifle, it’s time to pump up the “wisdom” option. How to do it? Catch the INSTRUCTION.
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