9 health procedures you shouldn’t spend money on. Says the doctor

Taking care of yourself requires not only close attention to your body, but also a certain investment – both temporarily and financially. There is nothing wrong with this, however, some procedures and tests are not obligatory at all.

Irina Yuzup

MD, pediatrician, nutritiologist, integrative medicine specialist

What procedures are useless for health? What can be saved on?

Diamond peeling

The procedure is performed with the help of a special nozzle covered with diamond crystals, and supposedly improves blood circulation and improves skin tone. The cost of cosmetology services, as a rule, unjustifiably overpriced. The same effect can be achieved with self-massage.


Irina: To this method of facelift attitude varies from specialist to specialist. From the point of view of physiology threads that are not attached to anything, exactly long under the skin will not stay under the skin. This means that the effect of a rather expensive procedure is not only short-lived, but also very superficial.

Anti-cellulite massage and wraps

These procedures do not “treat” the cause of cellulite. To solve the problem, you need to eat right, move more and make up for the lack of micronutrients necessary for the body.

Tests for hormonal status

Irina: If there are no problems with excess weight and signs of any disease, the study is not necessary. If women are all right with the menstrual cycle, and men – with potency, it makes no sense to take the analysis.

Test for cortisol in the blood

The level of the so-called stress hormone in the blood changes rapidly depending on the situation and various factors. Therefore, to assess the amount of cortisol in the body, it will be more informative to examine saliva (as prescribed by the doctor).

Iodine in the blood

The situational amount of iodine in the blood plasma, as a rule, is not very informative, the doctor notes. Often this procedure is performed only for statistical data of iodine deficiency for the region.

Tests for oncomarkers

Irina: Such tests do not show the presence or absence of oncology, but are used to assess the dynamics of the existing disease.

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