Crazy Dry: Circuit training for fat burning from the absolute champion of the Arnold Classic

Every athlete preparing for bodybuilding competitions always aims to become more trim and make the relief of muscles as visible as possible. In order to “chase” the fat layer and remove excess water from the body, trainers suggest circuit training.

According to a Harvard Medical School study, a person weighing 57 kg or more can burn 240 kcal for half an hour of total circuit training, 298 kcal at 70 kg or more, and 355 kcal at 84 kg or more. This calorie loss is equivalent to the exertion during a game of hockey, soccer, volleyball or while rock climbing or swimming on your back.

Andrei Schmidt

master of sports in bodybuilding

You can’t look at fitness as a short-term phase, if you do it, you have to do it all the time.

Circuit training for fat burning

Vertical Lever Pull

This exercise is energy intensive and develops the broadest muscle of the back.

Execution technique:

  • Put your hands on the handle of the exercise machine so that when bending the elbows form an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Tilt the body slightly backwards. This position is necessary so that the handle can reach your chest.
  • Pull the handle to the chest with the efforts of the broadest muscles, while keeping the shoulders back and actively work the shoulder blades.
  • In the final position, you can pause for a short time to stretch the muscles better.
  • Slowly bring the handle back, tensing your back muscles and straightening your arms, but keep your elbows slightly bent.

Number of repetitions: 20 reps.

Overhead press

The main thing in this exercise is dynamics. Do not take too much weight.


  • Sit up straight, pull in your abdomen, with your back pressed against the back of the simulator.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together.
  • Exhale as you press up.
  • As you inhale, lower the handle to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 20 times.

Wyciskanie nogami


  • Lie down on the bench of the exercise machine. Place your head on the headrest, do not turn or lift your head during the exercise.
  • Hold on tightly to the handrails under the seat to relieve lumbar strain.
  • Press the platform with your whole foot and press it with your heels.

It is best to start the platform press without weights. You can add weights after your muscles get used to the movements.

Number of repetitions: 20 times.


After a round of strength work consisting of 5-7 exercises, you need to do cardio. It is important to change the load, to which the body reacts with additional calorie expenditure.

Perform cardio on an elliptical for 5-7 minutes. In order to restore the heartbeat, the load should be light.

The optimal zone for fat burning is 125-135 beats per minute. Andrei Schmidt advises to be exactly in this zone during training.

It is recommended to do 2-3 power laps, with 5-7 minutes of cardio in between.

The workout is over.

You can watch a more detailed performance of the exercises in the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia

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