Do we need discipline? We find out together with a psychologist

Do we need discipline? We find out together with a psychologist

Who needs discipline and why

In some cases, rigid rules can only hurt.

Why is it important to stick to the plan? How is it useful?

We understand together with a psychologist.

Some people believe: if you follow discipline in life, occasionally break it will be more pleasant than if you never follow any rules. For example, if you follow the diet, you feel a special pleasure when you decide to eat fast food. How is it really and is discipline necessary at all?

Nadezhda Pozharova

Practical psychologist, body therapist

Discipline is important for those who cannot build themselves a system to live by. Lack of structure leads to problems such as congestion at work and more. If you need to learn to relax, however, discipline can be dangerous.

Hope: If you restrict what you eat, you need mental and energetic resources to maintain balance. Those who restrict their needs create a deficit within themselves. Then the body resists because it lacks the resources that will maintain that discipline.

In addition, discipline is needed to feel your boundaries. Psychologically, we get used to a set way of life and stop going outside the boundaries. This allows us to understand and analyze our own needs, to meet them to the right degree, and to expand the range of our own choices.

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