Fitness industry trends: what’s in store for sports fans

In recent years, the fitness industry has undergone many changes and updates: first the pandemic hit, and with it the shift to online, then the market restructured due to the departure of many brands from Russia. What should adherents of sports lifestyle and employees of the sphere expect in the near future? We discuss together with the co-founder of the school of trainers.

Dmitry Gorkovsky

Sports doctor, fitness expert, co-founder of the Evotren fitness school

Like any field, it is important to be relevant in sports. There are a few trends that are already taking over the fitness world.

Shorter workouts

On one hand, shorter workouts are a great way to build a habit of regular exercise. But it is important to consider that this format of motor activity in the long term ceases to help a person to achieve any significant results, which can lead to frustration and complete cessation of training.

Typically, short workouts are characteristic of the online format that gained momentum during the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. This is due to the fact that it is quite hard to hold a person’s attention for a long period of time through an app, the set of exercises is severely limited, and forming hour-long sessions is significantly more expensive in terms of production.

Those who have decided to start their journey into the world of physical activity with short classes should realize that for a start it is a suitable option, but after some time, after one to three months, it is worth switching to full-fledged hour-long classes, which is logical from the point of view of the physiology of the human body.

However, offline, in real fitness clubs, this trend is also observed, due to the desire to reduce the cost of services of classes with trainers and get income from the audience that can not find time for full-fledged classes. But statistics show that live training sessions of short duration are not in too high demand.

In addition, there is an increase in the popularity of new fitness trends and sports. About the activities that are worth trying right after the summer season, wrote in our material.

Still online

In parallel with the reduction of exercise time, the trend of digitalization of people’s motor activity is developing. This trend can and should be viewed from a positive side, as good digitization of a number of aspects of exercise allows you to more clearly set goals, monitor the dynamics of change and make timely adjustments to your training.

But it is important to take into account that every human body is unique, so before choosing a particular online program or a class with an online trainer, it is important to undergo a live diagnosis of the musculoskeletal system in order to identify muscle imbalances and peculiarities of movement of your body.

Expanding your audience

It’s a fact that you can’t help but be happy to see more and more young people and members of the elderly population in fitness centers and on sports fields. For young people, being HEAVY and working out is now a trend that is spreading perfectly thanks to social media and influencers.

The older generation is also freeing themselves from the shackles of shyness and social pressure – ageism used to be ubiquitous, now the older generation is starting to break stereotypes. Lena Salmi from Finland told us about how she fights ageism and skateboarding at the age of 68 in the material at the link.

If we consider the trends described above as a whole, we can say that there has been significant progress in the penetration of physical activity into people’s lives. That is especially important in the conditions of modern lifestyle, when there is widespread hypodynamia, and mortality from cardiovascular diseases is off the scale. Remember that any workout, including online and for 15-20 minutes, is many times more beneficial to your health than the complete absence of any exercise.

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