How do eggs for breakfast help you lose weight? Research by scientists

Eggs for breakfast is quite a popular dish in many countries around the world. This is due to availability, price, and quickness of preparation. In such a small product there is a huge number of valuable properties. Not only that, eggs are actively used to shed excess weight. How does it work? Now we will tell you.

What are the usefulness of eggs?

For a long time people are concerned about the effect of eggs on health. Disputes between adherents and opponents of the product do not subside until now. Like any other component of the diet, eggs have useful and harmful properties.

Egg is considered the standard of a natural product: it contains the most balanced combination of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements. This entire list of properties brings undeniable benefits to the body. The product provides a number of benefits for our health.

Scientific opinion: eggs really help to lose weight

Eggs are an easily digestible product, which is why they are often recommended for dieting. They really help to lose excess weight. The thesis is confirmed by repeated studies of their dietary features. In the benefits of eggs helps to understand the article of American scientists, published in the International Journal of Obesity. The researchers wondered whether overweight people can lose weight twice as fast by combining a low-calorie diet with the use of chicken eggs for breakfast.

The experiment involved 152 volunteers: men and women between the ages of 25 and 60 who were slightly overweight or obese. People were divided into groups. The first was put on a diet in which breakfast consisted of only two eggs. The second in the morning ate doughnuts, similar in caloric content to two eggs.

The experiment lasted eight weeks, and its results are sure to please fans of protein breakfast. The first group, which sat on a diet with an egg component, lost 65% more weight than the second. Scientists proved that eating this product in the morning promotes weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet. We also learned that breakfast with eggs induced greater satiety and significantly reduced the desire to snack between main meals.

Protein in its purest form

Egg protein is superior to fish and meat protein in terms of parameters. In 100 grams of the product there are as much as 13 grams of pure protein. It helps to build muscle mass, strengthen bones, cope with obesity and improve brain function. Due to its high content of beneficial substances,
the protein neutralizes inflammation and regulates acid-base balance.

Eggs have an increased nutritional value, which makes them an indispensable source of energy. Their use in raw form helps in the recovery from damage to the vocal cords. Also, the product normalizes the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Components of eggs help to fight external irritants, including the development of cancer pathologies. And eggs are also useful for pregnant women: the high content of vitamins contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

The product is also rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. They contribute to the improvement of brain activity and vision.

Negative effects of eggs on the body

Eggs become harmful when they are consumed in large quantities and without heat treatment. Consumption of raw eggs increases the risk of contracting salmonella. These are bacteria that cause very real harm to health, they are pathogenic to humans. You can also get dehydration or kidney failure.

Another extreme of the love for protein products is the egg diet. It has gained popularity due to the fact that it brings quite fast results in weight loss. For a week, such a diet will help to lose up to five kilograms, but it will bring more negative consequences, like any other protein diet. Opinion about their harm to the body shared in his Instagram nutritionist and nutritionist Anna Berseneva:

Anna: Yes, such diets give an external fast result, but unfortunately, the price of this effect is too high! Here are some of the very likely consequences of diets predominantly composed of protein of animal origin. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases, with women being more susceptible to this situation. Dysbacteriosis and GI disorders, because the protein diet limits the intake of products containing fiber. Metabolic disorders: metabolic processes are slowed down due to intoxication of the body. The acid-base balance is disturbed, as the breakdown products poison the environment in the body, creating intoxication, which leads to cell death. Liver tissue is destroyed and kidneys are seriously affected. This is and additional risk for women! The overload of toxins and breakdown products, namely nitrogen, which tends to deposit in the reproductive tract, creates a risk in the fertilization processes. ⠀

It is important to minimize the possibility of bacterial contamination, so doctors recommend eating the product in boiled form. In addition, it is worth considering that egg white causes an allergic reaction. This is a fairly common phenomenon among children. For example, in the United States, this type of allergy is in second place after the corresponding reaction to peanuts. The main allergen in the composition of egg white is the substance albumin. As soon as it enters the digestive system, the body begins to produce antibodies.

How often can you eat eggs?

There is an opinion that you can not eat eggs regularly, as it harms the cardiovascular system due to the high amount of cholesterol. Indeed, yolks contain from 200 mg of cholesterol, but numerous studies have not confirmed an increase in its index in the blood of people who regularly ate three whole eggs per day.

Cholesterol in eggs can hardly be called bad. Much more harmful in this product are the so-called trans fats. An adult can regularly consume up to two whole eggs a day, but you can eat more protein in general.

Use in folk medicine

Since ancient times, treating with eggs has been advised to patients with psoriasis, asthma and stomach ulcers. Recommended the product as a healing agent for dandruff and brittle hair. What is the benefit of eggs for the human body? In the fact that he gets all the necessary substances. In the network you can find quite a lot of recipes for both external and internal use. Also from the protein product make ointments and balms, and the most inventive – a face mask. Its application is limitless. But we recommend using proven remedies to fight diseases and be sure to consult with specialists.

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