How does a woman get a complete health checkup? Checklist

What examinations should women undergo at different ages?

Let’s find out together with a doctor and a specialist in women’s health.

We can bet that at least once after a visit to the doctor you thought: “That’s it, now only a healthy lifestyle, sports, eight hours of sleep every day”. But somehow in practice these thoughts did not find embodiment. Applying for specialized help is not always pleasant, but it is important. Where to go? What to submit? Will the amount of information received be complete? We tell you how not to miss health and conduct an effective checkup.

Marina Konstantinova

Head of the Women’s Health Program at Project Kesher

“Health Routes” help to identify diseases at early stages. A clear prevention plan helps you to take an informed approach to treatment.


Marina: It is everyone’s task to properly organize an examination of their current condition. It is important not only to motivate women to take a responsible attitude to health, but also to change public opinion about prevention as such, to promote a healthy lifestyle among everyone regardless of age.

About the fear of detecting a disease

Getting a checkup and finding out what’s going on with your body is much better than living in the unknown. The news of a possible disease is certainly unsettling. But in contrast to it, there is an important argument in favor of diagnosis: diseases detected early are much better treated.


Any postponement of consultations, examinations and diagnostic procedures “for later” does not solve the problem, but only reduces the chances of quick and timely help. Often out of fear of hearing a “bad diagnosis” we waste time. There are no wrong or “embarrassing” questions. Feel free to talk about your concerns with knowledgeable professionals.

About patient awareness and literacy

If you have acquaintances or relatives with chronic diseases, you may know about so-called “health schools”. These classes teach important rules to prolong the condition without complications. They are useful, for example, for people with diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

Patient education is important like any other. You can’t go to work without acquiring relevant and appropriate knowledge and skills, can you? So it is with health: when not only the doctor but also you yourself actively protect your body, the effectiveness of treatment and prevention is much higher.




Marina: It is never too late to start paying more attention to your condition. And the more we know about the body and possible threats, the more we actively try to reduce risk factors, the higher the chances of preventing diseases. Therefore, it is important not just to read useful articles and blogs, but to actually and regularly check your health. In order to understand what will benefit you, and where you encounter myths and philistine fiction.

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