How does Julia Roberts manage to look great at 54? Nutrition and training of the actress

The trademark smile, infectious laugh and red curls. Everyone understands that we are talking about one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood. The main heroine of such famous pictures as “Pretty Woman”, “Runaway Bride” and “Eat, Pray, Love”, every year becomes only better.

Today we will tell you about the beauty secrets that help 54-year-old Julia Roberts to be in great shape and maintain her natural beauty.

Rustem Sadykov

Rustem Sadykov

nutritionist, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences, clinical pharmacologist.

Tells how effective the beauty routine of the actress.

Tip 1: Eat right and give up gluten

The actress admitted that she rarely restricts herself in delicious and varied food. Although practically does not eat flour products and baked goods. After all, Julia adheres to a gluten-free diet, which helps her not only look good, but also feel great.

Rustem: Of course, proper nutrition is the key to good health and a healthy young appearance. With proper nutrition intestinal microflora is stable, all enzymes are produced, microelements are assimilated and supplied to the body. All this provides immune defense, normal growth and regeneration of healthy body cells (hair, nails, skin).

Julia Roberts in June 2022

Julia Roberts in June 2022

A gluten-free diet, according to the nutritionist, is indicated for many people because gluten is often additionally added to flour, upsetting the balance of the composition. In addition, this heavy protein is not properly digested by everyone, causing intestinal symptoms and subsequently inflammation.

The doctor recommends giving up sugar. This forbidden weakness can create a balance of microbiota, shifting it in favor of yeast, as well as destroy proteins – collagen and elastin, on the quality of which depends on the smoothness of our skin.

Another famous actress, who looks flawless at 57, also does not deny herself her favorite products. Read more about Monica Bellucci’s beauty rules at the link below.

Tip 2: Do yoga

In her interviews, Giulia often states that gyms and strength training are not for her. She is sure that it is necessary to do sports in moderation, so that he was always in joy and pleasure. The actress prefers Pilates and water aerobics. A special part of the fitness diet is yoga, which Roberts practices in the morning. Just like her character from “Eat, Pray, Love.” Yoga helps to reset the body and thoughts, relax and relieve stress.

Rustem: A person needs loads of different types – aerobic (like cardio, running, cycling, etc.) and anaerobic (strength exercises). Yoga can combine both types: dynamic – aerobic load, static – anaerobic. At the same time, workouts can be combined or separate.

In combination with Pilates and water aerobics, the actress gets a quality set of exercises for all muscle groups, allowing you to maintain good physical shape and mobility of the joints.

Tip 3: Be happy

The actress considers her main beauty secret to be the ability to be happy and be in harmony with herself. It is important to calmly treat your age and the aging process. The only thing that Julia Roberts does not want to lose over the years is the taste for life.

Julia Roberts in May 2022

Julia Roberts in May 2022

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Julia stated with a smile on her face: “A good environment will make you feel great!” Indeed, the right people can help take life to another level.

Rustem: Interestingly, “happiness researchers” really see the key to a happy life in a person’s environment. The better his friendly and family ties are, the happier the person is, the more positive he thinks.

The absence of stress or controlling its level is an important part of maintaining a healthy body. After all, chronic stress leads to lower immune defenses, inflammation and premature aging. Check yourself against our list of body signals that indicate problems. If you notice them in time, you can adjust your lifestyle and prolong your youth.

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