How to avoid hangover after New Year’s Eve night. Recommendations of an addiction psychiatrist

Stanislav Popov

psychiatrist-drug addiction specialist at the Hadassah branch of the Hadassah Clinic in the Skolkovo International Medical Cluster

“It is often difficult to limit oneself to a certain amount of alcohol due to drinking traditions in our country. That is why many people often experience a hangover on the morning after New Year’s Eve. To better understand the effect of alcohol on the body, it is necessary to know what process is responsible for this”.

The harm of alcohol

There is no safe dose of alcohol, it is harmful in any amount. Why? To process it, the body synthesizes the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. It is responsible for the breakdown of the neurotransmitter serotonin, temporarily increasing its level. This, in turn, reduces anxiety levels, boosts mood and helps you sleep.

However, as soon as alcohol stops entering the body, the level of joy hormones drops dramatically. After all, the amount of this enzyme is limited.

That’s why, after you drink two or three glasses, for example, of wine, the mood gradually rises. Then comes a plateau period, when the production of the enzyme is directed to the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. After only the toxic effect of alcohol and its breakdown products increases.

The hangover manifests itself 6-24 hours after the last intake of alcohol. It is characterized by such symptoms as:

  • pronounced weakness;
  • low mood;
  • headache;
  • strong reaction to external stimuli (bright light, loud sound);
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth.

As a rule, during periods of excessive alcohol consumption, internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, heart and brain are under attack.

How to avoid the consequences

The best way to avoid a hangover after a New Year’s Eve night is to refuse alcohol.

First of all, to minimize the consequences, first of all, it is worth being concerned about the quality of alcohol. Psychiatrist-druggist recommends buying high-quality, labeled products in trusted stores. The expert does not recommend diluting hot drinks with sweet carbonated water.

Secondly, you should try to use only one type of alcoholic beverage to avoid “playing” with the degree.

Finally, it is necessary to eat in sufficient quantities and, if possible, limit fried and fatty dishes.

To minimize the manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, or, simply put, hangover, people often resort to taking vitamins, enterosorbents and medicines on their own. It is not worth doing this.

They are prescribed only by a specialist, take them under his direct supervision, control of vital signs and individual selection of the dose.

Psychiatrist-narcologist recommends the day after the feast to drink plenty of fluids and try to avoid excessive activity, so as not to burden the heart. And in no case it is impossible to hangover, that is, to drink alcohol again after waking up in an attempt to feel better.

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