How to drink coffee properly and in what quantities? Scientists have derived the ideal formula for “vigor”

How to drink coffee properly and in what quantities? Scientists have derived the ideal formula of “vigor”

What is the right way to drink coffee and in what quantities?

To get the benefit of the drink, it is important to follow some rules.

How much coffee can I drink a day? How to drink coffee to cheer up?

Let’s find out together with the trainer-nutritionalist.

Coffee is such a popular beverage that adults drink an average of about 550 cups of coffee a year. But there’s so much controversy surrounding it that it’s hard to know what to believe. There is a real story about a barista who drank 19 cups of coffee on a bet and has been suffering the consequences for over 15 years. Our point is, there’s a measure in everything.

Olga Ivanova

nutritional coach

The drink increases heart rate, straining the heart muscle and dilating blood vessels.

Olga: It is best to drink natural coffee, insoluble, but no more than two cups a day. This, in turn, removes fluid from the body. Therefore, with coffee it is necessary to drink a glass of water to replenish the balance.

How much coffee can you drink?

Coffee contains hundreds of biologically active compounds, and caffeine is one of them. Its content per one cup fluctuates around 100 mg. Coffee lovers drink an average of 5-6 cups a day (about 400-500 mg of caffeine), others limit themselves to one serving. Who’s right? Researchers agree that 400 mg of caffeine (four cups) per day is safe for the body, and a single serving should not exceed 200 mg. The content of this substance in a cup of beverage depends on its variety and brewing method (approximate values):

  • espresso (70-80 ml) – 120-200 mg;
  • Americano (120 ml) – 85-120 mg;
  • cappuccino (200 ml) – 100-136 mg;
  • latte (400 ml) – 200-360 mg;
  • instant coffee (200 ml) – 62-96 mg;
  • coffee in a turbo (200 ml) – 76-130 mg;
  • coffee from a drip coffee maker (200 ml) – 145 mg.

If you exceed the safe daily allowance of caffeine, you may experience restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, stomach upset, dizziness, irritability. But in general, caffeine affects everyone differently – it depends on the body’s sensitivity to this substance. Some people can drink coffee and fall asleep immediately, while others stay awake all night.

Individual characteristics also matter: people with panic disorder, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, diabetes should not drink a lot of coffee. Scientists also recommend pregnant women to limit their consumption to 100-200 mg of caffeine per day – about 1-2 cups of coffee. But do not forget that only a doctor can determine a safe dose of the drink specifically for you.

Olga: If you want to lose weight, you need to control the amount of coffee, especially cappuccino, latte and raffa. Such drinks contain additional fats (milk, cream, syrup, sugar) – the calorie content in this case reaches 350 kcal per cup.

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