How to gain muscle mass if you eat and don’t get fat?

Who are ectomorphs? How to build a diet and training plan for people with a fast metabolism?

Bodybuilders answer.

There are people who are naturally thin. They can eat whatever they want and not gain extra pounds. Girls can only envy such a fortunate coincidence of circumstances, but men are a little more difficult in this regard. A person with an accelerated metabolism – ectomorph – hardly gains fat mass. That’s a big plus. But things are not very good with muscle mass: most men want to be big and strong, but muscles do not want to grow because of the peculiarities of the body. But do not despair, you can still rock a skinny guy. The main thing is to follow a few rules.

Stanislav Lindover

master of sports in bodybuilding, European champion in the category of classical bodybuilding 180+

If I could choose my metabolism type, I would like to be an ectomorph. After all, with the right training and nutrition, they pay fantastic dividends. You can eat more often and more, you can eat things that people with a slow metabolism can’t afford.

Ectomorphs are not advised to spend too much time in the gym. Your solution is short heavy loads. Ideally, this is 3-4 workouts per week averaging no more than an hour. In this time, you should fit about six exercises, each of which will be performed 8-12 times. The break between approaches should be such that the pulse has time to come to rest. On average, this takes 1-1.5 minutes.

Sergey Yugai

fitness methodologist

Ectomorph training is quite heavy and relatively short. I remind you that muscles grow not in the gym, but at home during rest.

How do you structure your diet?

Ectomorph is first of all a fast metabolism and only after that a certain physique. A fast metabolism implies a regular supply of fuel to the body. Therefore, ectomorphs should eat frequently. The diet should consist, if possible, of natural products that are well and quickly digested by the body. Namely: from protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Important: Carbohydrates should never be forgotten. Many athletes concentrate on proteins, but for an ectomorph this is unacceptable.

Denis Gusev

participant of international bodybuilding competitions

If the body will not get enough carbohydrates, the growth of muscle mass can be forgotten.

How many times a day should I eat?

It is possible to eat about 3-4 times a day, but meals should be abundant. Such meals will provoke a rise in blood sugar and insulin release, and fast metabolism will not allow the received microelements to be deposited in fatty tissues. In this case, you can eat almost anything, including saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. Since the ectomorph has the task of gaining mass, increased caloric content in the diet is necessary. For example, such a person can eat fast food. The ectomorph is probably the only body type that can benefit from burgers and fries.

For detailed comments from experts, see the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia.

An ectomorph is quite capable of becoming a bodybuilding champion. It is only important to approach body building with intelligence and knowledge.

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