“I don’t know how to lose weight”: the Dukan-Lebedev diet, on which you can eat everything

Famous businessman and designer Artemy Lebedev presented his own diet to his subscribers not so long ago. This is not Lebedev’s first attempt to get in shape, previously he lost weight with the help of the Dukan diet, independently adapted to Russian realities. In our first article in the series “Slimming down Lebedev” we will tell you how the famous designer modernized the diet of the French nutritionist and lost 20 kg in 5 months, without giving up his favorite red wine and steaks.

According to Artemy himself, the key principle of the Dukan-Lebedev diet is based on three pillars: “eat less sugar, eat less buns, don’t eat everything that is forbidden in all other diets”.

The first stage is “Attack”.

Thegoal: to lose a couple of pounds, to explain to the body that we are sitting on a diet.

You can: only proteins (omelet, skim kefir, skim yogurt, skim milk, chicken, fish, meat and seafood).

Can not at this stage: vegetables, oil.

Important: drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day.

The second stage – we introduce vegetables and eat them every other day.

Artemy Lebedev: Accordingly, in a couple of months our body gets used to the fact that a green salad is a feast of the soul, a feast and a gift. Now days consisting only of proteins will seem a little dull, but since we are losing weight, we are ready for this terrible sacrifice.

Can do: alcohol. A glass of red at dinner is the Lebedev diet’s specialty.

No potatoes, beans, pasta, rice.

Lebedev’s diet turned out to be so popular on the Internet that Pierre Dukan (the creator of the Dukan diet) commented on it in his video message: “First of all, I want to say that you very accurately state the essence of my method. Losing weight is not easy, it requires willpower and following the system. As for the glass of wine, it’s great that you managed to lose weight without eliminating it from your diet. All the better for you! But it is important to note here that men lose weight more easily than women. You should not take any risks, so I still advise you to wait until the third phase of the diet to introduce it into your diet. Two months of dieting will fly by imperceptibly.”

Tip #1. Dietary nutrition you should supplement with physical activity. In this case, the taboo on alcohol is softened (for example, you can afford a glass of red wine for dinner).

The main advantage of the diet is that what you can eat everything, you can eat at least all day without stopping. Hungry? Have some chicken. Hungry again? Eat another chicken.

The third stage of the diet is “Fasting.”

We add pasta once a week. Once a week we give ourselves a “feast” – which means that on that day we can eat anything at all.

Tip #2. Eat as much as you want. But only those foods that you are allowed to eat. Artemy Lebedev claims that with the help of this diet you will never torture yourself with hunger. If you are allowed meat, eggs or another product, you can eat it as much as you want if you get hungry.

The fourth stage is “Lifelong.”

Once a week we eat only protein. This is a reminder to ourselves that a similar diet existed in our lives.

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