Is it possible to lose weight with meditation? 3 effective techniques for weight loss

The practice of meditation from India and China has made its way into our lives. While it was once considered only a religious process, scientists are now studying its effects on the body. Why? It has a beneficial effect on the brain. As a result – a person becomes productive, successful and, most importantly – happy.

All kinds of meditation techniques are used by celebrities. Steve Jobs meditated every day, and the offices of Google, Apple and other large corporations have special rooms for their employees. Breathing exercises are also practiced by famous athletes: basketball player LeBron James, tennis player Novak Djokovic, soccer players Erling Holand and Neymar.

Meditation is a universal tool that is useful to everyone without exception. One can sit in lotus pose wherever and whenever one wants, no matter what part of the planet one is in. Everyone can have different goals: relaxation, the desire to be in the “here and now” moment, finding harmony, wealth and even the fight against excess weight.

Arthur Luck

teacher of Kundalini Yoga express meditations, author of the book “Smoke Your Dreams”

Meditation was originally used in spiritual and religious practices. It was aimed at deepened reflection, achieving inner concentration, and developing inner balance. What is it today? Its use has gone far beyond purely spiritual development. The practice has become a means of improving health, attracting success, building relationships, building a career. There are even confirmations from scientists.

What do scientists say?

The influence of this practice on the physical, mental and emotional state is devoted to a large number of scientific studies.

For example, scientists have identified the positive effects of meditation on the human body. First of all, it reduces the level of stress and anxiety, participates in emotional recovery and improves hormonal balance.

We are talking about reducing the level of cortisol (stress hormone) by 50%, increasing the content of serotonin (hormone of happiness), DHEA (hormone of long-livers), GABA and somatotropin (growth hormones), endorphin (hormone of love), melatonin (hormone of youth).

What can be dangerous meditation and who can not practice it, told in the material.

Also, the authors of the work tested control groups. The analysis showed that people after meditation significantly reduced the feeling of pain and even symptoms of depression. Moreover, it was found that contemplation promotes awareness of one’s own body.

During meditation, the frequency of brainwave activity decreases, allowing the brain to rest from processing a large amount of information from all the senses. Including beta waves, which are responsible for problem solving, are super active in normal life, but 10 minutes after meditation their speed slows down a lot. For this reason, a person begins to feel peace.

The effect of meditation on the body improves neuroplasticity. Studies claim that this technique restores brain cells, strengthens immunity, enhances the body’s defense functions, improves cognitive abilities and increases longevity.

Numerous works of scientists confirm that meditation is an effective technique. At the same time, it is not some kind of witchcraft or miracle. The result will be, but from the effect on the body. This is explained at the level of physiology.

How does meditation affect weight loss?

Catherine of Tours

doctor, psychosomatologist

Such a psychological tool as meditation, a modern person can use to manage their thoughts, feelings and psycho-emotional states, including the fight against excess weight. The practice is considered an effective way to re-establish contact with the body, changing patterns of eating behavior.

No mysticism or fantasy. Meditation focuses on managing emotional intelligence. Practices for weight loss include the basics of regulating eating behavior. This absolutely changes the approach to fighting extra pounds.

It is commonly believed that the best way to lose weight is to go on a diet or actively exercise. Unfortunately, such a formula most often turns into a tool of self-punishment. When a person ate too much and then went to starve himself or squat until his knees hurt.

Here we are already talking about autoaggression (a type of aggressive behavior, in which hostile actions are directed by a person at himself). The result will be in the form of a breakdown followed by an even greater increase in excess weight.

In fact, meditation for weight loss is about much more than just “getting slim”. It’s about healthy eating behavior, restoring hunger and satiety. Dialogue with the body is essential to build a new eating system for yourself.

It is worth forgetting about the word “diet” outside of medical indications to restrict certain foods for health reasons. The point is that practicing mindfulness helps you build a system of nutrition, exercise, and self-care. There is no punishment, no bullying yourself after overeating.

The task of a person working in meditation for weight loss is to understand when emotional overeating occurs, within which he unconsciously begins to eat unhealthy foods. Ask yourself the question: why did this happen? Is it to suppress emotions or to survive stress? Or in this way you hide old memories and try to get a little happiness with the help of food? There are many possibilities.

Why is it important? The fact is that modern man faces colossal levels of stress on a daily basis. It can be irregular work, household issues, quarrels at home, problems at the neighbors.

At some point, food becomes not only a source of nutrients, but the only controlled pleasure in life. What’s the bottom line? Stress is not reduced, weight gain occurs, psycho-emotional state changes not for the better.

Easy relaxing meditation in 8 minutes HERE. Will work even for those who have never meditated.

A way to manage your emotions

Meditations for weight loss are a way to start managing your emotions, your body and get out of the “diet-breakdown” or “diet-sport-breakdown” cage. Through managing your emotional intelligence, mindfulness and observing your mental experiences, you learn to nourish your body rather than your mental pain.

Over time, you will begin to understand your true needs and find that you don’t want to eat such large quantities of junk food, and instead of a burger and soda, you will crave fresh water, fish, or green vegetables.

Changes will not happen immediately, it is a conscious process of working on yourself, and the attention should be directed not on achieving the goal, but on getting pleasure in the process. After all, there is not only a psycho-emotional restructuring, the body also begins to change.

It is about normalization of metabolism, when the body stops storing hormonal fatty tissue under the influence of stress hormones.

This is how problem areas go away, the work of the autonomic nervous system is restored, and general well-being improves. This is gradually becoming the new norm of life. And the main task of meditation is precisely to improve the quality of life of a modern person.

Thus, this technique is not a magic wand, but only a tool for managing emotional intelligence to regulate eating behavior, transition to intuitive eating and improve the quality of life in general.

Techniques of effective meditations

Lyubov Trofimova

Specialist in working with the subconscious mind and body

From a psychological point of view, weight gain begins at the moment when a person does not feel safe, defends himself from external stimuli or dreams of becoming more visible. Every external stimulus is lived by our body and mind according to already known scenarios. Meditation serves as a tool to relax the subconscious mind and create other variations of events.

What happens when we sit with our eyes closed and track our breathing? The thought process, worries and anxieties are no longer so vivid. It’s as if they fade into the background, and in that moment our body begins to relax and let go of control.

It is similar to the state between waking and sleeping, when thoughts are no longer swirling, the state is calm and we enjoy the space we are in. Meditation helps to relax the brain and body, showing you that you don’t have to be defensive all the time. Which means the results will be obvious.

Top 3 working techniques for weight loss

1. Breathing in squares

One of the most effective techniques. When we breathe correctly, the metabolism in the body increases. Accordingly, the metabolism is triggered, and weight begins to smoothly decrease.

  • Inhale, counting to four.
  • Hold your breath for four counts.
  • Exhale, counting to four.
  • Hold your breath for four counts.

It is best to repeat for two or three minutes every day. Then the result will be noticeable very quickly.

The technique can be supplemented with visualization – draw a square with numbered corners. Taking a breath for four counts, we will slide our gaze from the first to the second. On the delay – from the second to the third. On exhalation – from the third to the fourth. On the last delay of the cycle the gaze will return to the first corner.

2. Meditation to the sounds of nature

In moments of great stress or tension, the subconscious mind is best affected by the sounds of nature. So when you feel nervous or have an uncontrollable appetite, turn on, for example, the songs of birds or the sound of water.

Then close your eyes, your arms and legs should be relaxed. Visualize a comfortable and safe space for yourself.

3- Meditative walks

Besides static meditations, when we sit with our eyes closed and breathe, there are dynamic meditations. These include walking. It is important to perform this action without foreign objects, gadgets and people. First of all, concentrate on your condition and well-being.

Track how your body behaves and what is going on in your mind as you walk. For greater effect, imagine that in the moments of walking, the excess weight goes from the body to the ground and you get the desired physical shape.

What does medicine say about this?

Olga Dekker

Dietitian, nutritionist, nutritionist, member of the National Society of Dietitians and Nutritionists

It is important to realize that meditation is a practice that can help reduce stress levels, improve sleep, increase concentration levels, and reduce anxiety. However, it cannot be said that it can be the only method to combat excess weight or that it is guaranteed to produce the desired results.

Weight loss requires a combination of several factors, such as moderate physical activity, proper nutrition and adherence to eating patterns. Individual body characteristics such as age, gender, and metabolism must also be taken into account.

Nevertheless, meditation can be helpful in the weight loss process. Why? It helps to reduce stress levels, and therefore, control the amount of calories consumed.

It is important to note that this technique is not a magical way to lose weight. Yes, regularity improves psychological well-being and leads to weight loss. But the result will be insignificant if you practice it without additional tools – adequate sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity.

Meditation is a useful addition in a comprehensive approach to weight loss. It is important to remember that each person is different and the effects of practice can be different. Therefore, you should not compare yourself with others. It is always better to focus on your own feelings.

Where to start meditating and why it is necessary, we answer at the link.
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