Is muscle soreness an indicator of an effective workout?

Is muscle soreness an indicator of an effective workout?

What to do if your muscles hurt after a workout

Such discomfort usually occurs as a result of microtrauma.

Why do muscles hurt after training? How to understand when it is necessary to consult a doctor?

Tells the master trainer of the gym.

Many people believe that after a good workout, the muscles should “burn”. And if the next day you get out of bed without problems, without changing in the face, it means that you did not try hard enough. But is it really so? Why can muscles ache and how is the effectiveness of training related to it?

Elena Skoblova

World Class gym master trainer

Painful sensations after training are not uncommon.

Why do muscles hurt after training?

It is not always possible to competently distribute forces and adjust the load. Therefore, as the trainer notes, microtraumas are not uncommon at trainings.

Elena Skoblova

Elena Skoblova

master trainer of the World Class gym

During the performance of exercises there is often a micro-tear in muscle fibers – hence the painful sensations.

This phenomenon is called crepature. Probably, the term comes from the Italian verb crepa – “to crack”, because it is actually the tears that provoke unpleasant sensations.

Elena Skoblova

master trainer of World Class gym

This way you will be able to exclude serious damage.

Should muscles ache after an effective workout?

It is definitely not worth evaluating the results of training on the scale of painful sensations, the trainer explains.

Elena Skoblova

Elena Skoblova

master trainer of World Class gym

Crepature is not an indicator of effectiveness. Especially after some time after the start of training. Muscles can adapt to the load and no longer react to them so acutely.

To be effective, the main thing is to train regularly and follow the technique of exercises.

How to prevent crepature?

In order not to expose the muscles to even microtraumas, the trainer advises:

  • exercise with moderate loads;
  • gradually increase the intensity of training;
  • rest between approaches;
  • watch the technique of exercises.
Elena Skoblova

Elena Skoblova

master trainer of the World Class gym

So there is less risk of injury to both joints and muscles.

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