How to know it’s time to see a cardiologist. 7 atypical symptoms
MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians What symptoms indicate that it is time to see a cardiologist? Discomfort behind the sternum – one of the
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Walking barefoot can be dangerous to your health. But there are a few exceptions
orthopedist of the ORTEKA orthopedic salons network Is it safe to walk barefoot on the street? Is it healthy or harmful? Shoes were invented to protect feet from
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11 signs that you have an alcohol intolerance
What is alcohol intolerance? How is it different from allergies? How to realize that you have alcohol intolerance? Let’s find out together with the doctor. Each human body
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How to notice a heart attack in time? A doctor tells about 8 non-obvious signs
How to notice a heart attack in time? A doctor tells about 8 non-obvious signs June 24, 2022, 17:25 MSC As a rule, atypical symptoms are more often
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Can sex last two hours? The concept of normality in this case is very relative
psychology expert How long can sex last? Recently, Anna Sedokova complained that her spouse is literally an indefatigable lover, for whom the norm is two-hour sex. Of course,
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How to tan properly: 4 tips from a dermatologist to avoid harming your skin
How to sunbathe without harming your health? We tell you together with a dermatologist. The weather brings sunny days, and now it is especially important to talk about
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Czego nie należy robić w przypadku otarcia pęcherza i jak się go pozbyć raz na zawsze?
What you should not do if you have a blister and how to get rid of it once and for all June 27, 2022, 14:45 MSC The simplest
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How to realize that it’s your kidneys that hurt, not your back. Doctor answers
How to realize that it’s your kidneys that hurt, not your back. Doctor answers June 28, 2022, 15:30 MSC In both cases, unpleasant sensations occur in the lower
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How for men to start exercising to lose weight: 3 first steps
How for men to start exercising to lose weight: 3 first steps Nikolay Matveev June 30, 2022, 08:45 MSC Settling in the gym is not the most effective
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What to do if your feet swell in the heat. Answered by a doctor
What to do if your feet swell in the heat. Answered by a doctor June 30, 2022, 21:45 MSC Swelling can be a sign of serious diseases. Phlebologist
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