Kendall legs: squat exercise for beautiful thighs

Kendall legs: squat exercise for beautiful thighs

Oksana Potapova

Oksana Potapova

How to get rid of cellulite and flabbiness

Achieve slenderness in problem areas can be achieved without special simulators and equipment.

Beautiful and slender legs – the dream of any girl. But to realize it is not so easy. Many people have the most problematic areas are the buttocks and thighs. If you do not pay them proper attention during training, excess fat deposits and cellulite can appear, and the skin will become flabby.

The muscles of the inner thigh lose tone the fastest, and they should definitely not be forgotten. There are many exercises specifically for this group – with elastic bands, gymnastic balls. However, there is a simpler, but no less effective way to keep your legs toned – special plie squats. We tell you how to get your thighs in order after quarantine without sports equipment, without leaving home.

From France with love: what is plie

The word “plié” itself came into Russian from French – “plié” – and translates as “bending”. This ballet term means bending one or both legs, as well as squatting, and is one of the basic elements of classical choreography. In ballet, plié is essential for other dance movements – many jumps and spins begin or end with this element.

Plié helps to make the joint and ligament apparatus more elastic, develops mobility in the hip and knee joints, increases jumping ability by stretching the Achilles tendon, and allows you to develop the muscles of the inner thigh.

There are several varieties of plié in classical dance: they differ in the position of the legs (positions) and the depth of the squat. However, in fitness, as a rule, the so-called grand plie is taken as a basis – a deep squat with legs wide apart. This exercise differs from classical squats.

How to perform a plie correctly

The starting position for plie is a straight body, legs at maximum width, feet turned with toes outward. Arms can be placed at chest level or placed at the waist.

From this position, slowly lower the pelvis on an inhalation until the line of the thighs is parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds – the duration of the “delay” is individual and depends on your physical fitness. Exhale and return to the starting position and repeat the squat.

When performing the exercise, it is important to watch your back – it should remain straight, it is not allowed to fall forward or backward. You should also pay special attention to your knees. They should not go beyond the toe of the foot. During the plie, the shoulders are not rounded, remain straight, and the chest is spread.

Plie, like other squats, is most effective if performed in approaches. In turn, the number of repetitions in each of them should be adjusted according to physical fitness. If desired, you can make the exercise more complex by using dumbbells for weighting, using an elastic band or, for example, adding leg swings after each squat.

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