The Seven Petals diet is a type of mono-diet, which is based on the principle of separate nutrition, when you can not combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates in one meal.
President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANKZ)
This type of diet is considered an effective way to get the body in shape in a short period of time, such as before holidays or an important event. I have evaluated the practice of mono-dieting through the lens of nutriciology and will give tips for healthy weight loss.
The Petal diet is short-lived and designed for only seven days. Fast diets put the body in a state of stress because of the sharp reduction in calories and short timeframe, this is one of the main disadvantages of this approach to weight loss.
Monodiets are difficult to call healthy, because the same diet deprives the body of important nutrients and vitamins, violates the gastrointestinal tract.
The diet should be varied and balanced to normalize weight without harm to the body. The healthy caloric content of the diet should not fall below 1200 kcal.
On aside note: on this diet, the daily calorie intake may not exceed 550 kcal, when during the day it is allowed to eat only 500 g of boiled chicken.
A sharp reduction in calories triggers a protective mode in the body against hunger, slowing down metabolism and stimulating appetite to preserve fat deposits. In addition, compliance with such diets often ends in breakdowns and subsequent overeating, which leads to weight gain. But about everything in order.
The meaning of the diet: rules and ration
According to the rules of the diet every day for a week you can eat only one type of food. You can not change the daily rations in places, because compliance with the sequence affects the result.
You need to eat a little, but often: five times a day, chewing food thoroughly. The amount of the main product on the day of the diet is limited. Food can be salted, add a little spices.
An obligatory condition of the diet is to drink at least two liters of clean water a day, including herbal teas and decoctions. The diet menu is simple and does not require special culinary experience.
Day #1. Fish
Boiled or baked fish without adding oil is allowed. In the day you can eat no more than 500 g of fish fillet without bones. Consumption of this product fills the body with omega-3 fatty acids and proteins of animal origin, accelerates metabolic processes.
Day No. 2 Vegetable
On this day you can eat fresh or baked vegetables with low glycemic index, but not more than 1.5 kg: leafy vegetables, cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant. Potatoes are forbidden, as they contain a lot of starch.
Vegetable day improves intestinal function due to the increased fiber content in the diet.
Day #3. Chicken meat
It can be boiled or baked with spices. It is recommended to divide the allowed 500 g of the product into five meals. Chicken meat is rich in protein and vitamin B12, normalizes hematopoiesis.
Day #4. Cereal
It can be porridge on water or boiled side dish of oats, barley, buckwheat or brown rice. Cereals eliminate the deficiency of complex carbohydrates in the body, supply it with vitamins, microelements and proteins of plant origin. Cereals can be eaten no more than 300 g during the day.
Day #5. Curd
It is allowed 500 g of cottage cheese (fat content 2-5%) and about 300 ml of kefir (1-2,5%). Fermented milk products supply the body with amino acids and fermented milk bacteria, which improve intestinal microflora.
The cottage cheese day helps to cope with constipation after protein and vegetable diet days.
Day #6. Fruit
On this day you can eat any fruit, except bananas and grapes. In the morning it is better to give preference to sweet berries, and in the evening choose sour-sweet fruits, such as apples.
Fruits can be eaten raw or baked. The maximum amount per day is 1.5 kg. This day of the diet supplies the body with organic acids, vitamins and minerals.
Day #7. Drinking
On the fixing day of the diet you can drink non-carbonated mineral water, strong tea, herbal decoctions. The amount of water is not limited.
Negative sides and contraindications of the diet
For a week of monodiet you can lose a few kilograms, but at the expense of dehydration and loss of muscle mass.
On protein diets, the body loses a lot of fluid, so in the first days, excess water leaves the body. Due to significant calorie restriction, the body begins to burn muscle mass to get more energy. As a result, weight is reduced, but fat deposits remain in place.
That is, the goal of losing excess weight by burning fat will not be achieved, and the body will experience severe stress. Weight loss with such a diet will not be long-term – returning to the usual diet will return the lost pounds and most often with “extra”.
This negative consequence of dieting is called the yo-yo effect. The body does not know that you consciously limit calories, and begins to store maximum energy even from small portions of food.
After returning to the usual diet, it continues to work in this mode and gains weight faster than before the diet. Repetition of such cycles of “weight loss” increases the risk of developing obesity.
Another unpleasant consequence of dieting is intestinal upset. The body perceives the diet as a stress, digests individual products with difficulty, and the use of one protein throughout the day can cause constipation.
Vegetable diet day also overloads the intestines and can provoke flatulence. Monodiet “Seven Petals” limits the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body.
If you stick to such a diet for longer than a week, you can provoke hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, stomach and intestinal problems. Lack of nutrients worsens the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
Przeciwwskazania: gastrointestinal diseases, kidney disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding, diabetes mellitus, low hemoglobin and anemia, taking hormonal drugs.
Tips for a healthy diet
Give up the idea of following a restrictive diet unless it is recommended by a doctor. Bring your body and weight to normal will help to eat a full diet without fancy diets and grueling workouts.
Instead of striving for a quick result, I recommend to balance your diet, get a good night’s sleep and engage in physical activity. Losing weight will be gradual, the diet will be cleaned of harmful products, the body will be renewed and filled with strength.
Healthy weight loss should be as comfortable and convenient as possible in physical and emotional terms. It is necessary to make an individual menu taking into account the peculiarities of health and lifestyle, add sports, refuse to drink alcohol.
Before following any diet, it is recommended to consult a specialist.