Nutritionist gives 4 reasons to wash down your coffee with a glass of water

Nata Gonchar

Founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

How to drink coffee properly?

Today it is rare to meet a person who will refuse a cup of coffee. Many people start the day with this beverage and choose coffee with a croissant for breakfast. But did you know that after coffee you should drink clean water? There are several reasons to replenish the body’s moisture stores.

Coffee beans contain two alkaloids: caffeine and theobromine. Entering the body, they affect in turn. First, caffeine has an active and invigorating effect on the internal system, and after some time theobromine enters the work.

At the breakdown of caffeine is formed dimethylxanthine, which contributes to the removal of water from the body. That is, coffee has a strong diuretic effect and in excessive use can lead to dehydration and changes in acid-base balance.

Dehydration of the body can provoke health problems:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • confusion;
  • drying of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of mucus in the large intestine, which causes absorption of toxins;
  • constipation;
  • overweight.

It is especially important to maintain water balance in hot weather. How much water you need to drink a day in the summer, read in the article at the link.

Caffeine forces the body to spend the resources set aside in reserve, depleting it. That is, every day the natural forces leave the body, and without a cup of black dope you are unable to get out of bed.

Pure water neutralizes the negative effects of alkaloids, helping to replenish the lost fluid and equalize the water-salt balance.

Soluble coffee should also be drunk with water to neutralize the subsequent effect of drowsiness. It comes 20 minutes after drinking one cup, because the drink is made from the inner part of the coffee bean, which contains more theobromine than invigorating caffeine.

There are a few more reasons to wash down a cup of coffee with water.

Cleanses the receptors

Natural coffee is a rich and dense beverage that can quickly shut down your taste buds. So they stop perceiving the subtle coffee notes. It helps to restore sensitivity by alternating a sip of coffee and plain water.

Keeps blood pressure normal

Coffee tends to increase blood pressure, and the parallel use of water reduces the concentration of caffeine in the body and does not allow sudden spikes in pressure. So the heart does not experience a great strain, and the drink can be enjoyed even by those who have high blood pressure.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, consult your doctor before drinking coffee.

Whitens enamel

Coffee drinks provoke the formation of dental plaque. If you wash them down with water, the pigment will not have time to settle on your teeth.

Helps the stomach deal with hydrochloric acid

Coffee promotes the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and water regulates this process, favorably affecting the gastrointestinal tract and preventing heartburn.

It is best to serve bottled, boiled or spring water with a temperature of +10 … +15 ° C to coffee. You can also add a slice of lemon or mint to it.

I am not against the moderate use of coffee, but it is better to drink it from 10:00 to 11:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00. At this time, the hormonal system produces a little cortisol, you feel tired and you can cheer up with a cup of flavored drink.

If you are concerned about your health, it is advisable to reduce your coffee consumption to a few times a week, so as not to encourage addiction to it and not to interfere with the natural release of energy. I recommend drinking coffee in combination with cardamom and other savory spices, without added sugar, syrups or sweet desserts.

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