On condensed milk and no exercise. How did Polezhaykin from “Daddy’s Daughters” lose weight?

On condensed milk and no exercise. How did Polezhaykin from “Daddy’s Daughters” lose weight?

Andrey Gurov

How Paleykin from Daddy's Daughters lost weight.

Actor Mikhail Kazakov told how he lost 37 kilograms without straining.

Mikhail Kazakov gained widespread fame after playing the role of Ilya Polezhaykin in “Daddy’s Daughters”. Viewers remember him as good-natured, clumsy and funny chubby, who loved dumplings and sandwiches. Kazakov recalls that being an actor in the series, once dropped 20 kilograms in two months – he swam a lot and rode a bicycle. However, the directors did not like it. Mikhail had to gain weight back.

On the set of “Daddy’s Daughters” the actor’s weight was more than 100 kilograms. Now it is difficult to recognize him – Michael has been transformed beyond recognition, looks athletic, slim and trim. He has lost 37 kilograms.

“Walking, nothing else is needed,” – admits the actor. He notes that he does not limit himself in nutrition and does not stick to certain diets. Now Mikhail weighs 68 kilograms – and this is with a height of 180 centimeters.
The most interesting thing is that he did not exhaust himself with heavy workouts in the gym. He just added more movement to his daily life, so he consumed a lot of calories.

I’ve walked five thousand kilometers in the last nine months. That’s almost 22 kilometers a day. I just put the car down and started walking.

Indeed, walking is a great form of cardio exercise. It is a simple and effective way to lose excess weight, which has practically no contraindications and is suitable for everyone. You will not need expensive sports equipment – it is enough just to walk in the park or somewhere around the city.

It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym, exhausting yourself. Walking engages up to 200 muscles and is as effective as running. Walking minimizes the risk of injury, because there is no load on the spine, bones and joints, as in running. This activity is great for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Mikhail on his Instagram page ironizes those who sweat for hours in gyms: “If you still go to the gym for such results, I sympathize with you. Probably something and you will succeed.”

Diet actor is not fond of diets. In his diet there is no system, he does not count calories and BJU.

I eat everything! I do not care what to eat. I don’t deny myself anything. You can’t even name one thing I don’t eat. I can eat two cans of condensed milk in one sitting.

The photos show that the actor is well dried out and his body shows abs. For a beautiful relief belly Michael advises to do a vacuum.

“It will be enough to lift your knees every morning and do a vacuum, that’s all, you will see your beautiful abs literally in two weeks. And you can eat everything you want. The main thing is to properly use what you eat,” – added the artist.

Recently, Mikhail has practically stopped appearing on the screens – now he is raising two children, doing business in his native Tver and occasionally starring in projects.

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