W ciągu ostatnich 100 lat Rosjanie urośli o 10 centymetrów. Dlaczego wzrost ludzi zmieniał się w czasie?

A height of 160 cm used to be considered tall, but today this is not the case. Why has there been such a jump in height? Let’s find out together with Alexander Karasev, Executive Director of Atlas Biomedical Holding, pediatrician, member of the European Society of Human Genetics and the Federation of Laboratory Medicine, and Elvina Ryazanova, social anthropologist.

Alexander Karasyov

Pediatrician, member of the European Society of Human Genetics

Humanity is gradually “growing up”. If 50 years ago the average human height was 160 cm, now it is 5 cm more.

Elvina Ryazanova

social anthropologist

It cannot be said that modern man is increasing in height everywhere. It all depends on the country of residence and the diet followed in that region.

How has human height changed over the last 100 years?

Scientists say that growth used to be smaller, and historical museums confirm this. Knight’s armor, for example, is unlikely to fit the average adult today. The fact is that over the last 100 years, people have grown taller by an average of 10 centimeters. The question arises: when exactly did such a leap occur?

British researchers found out that people became taller in the period from 1896 to 1996. During this time, we not only grew taller, but our physique also changed, and our arms and legs lengthened. You’ve probably noticed those long-legged athletes or broad-shouldered basketball players. Take Lamont Jacobs, winner of the 100-meter dash at the Tokyo Olympics, for example: he’s 186 centimeters tall. That’s 6 centimeters taller than Jesse Owens, the American track and field athlete who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Germany (in front of Adolf Hitler, by the way).

Acceleration (acceleration of growth and development) affected, of course, not only athletes, but all people. At the same time, these indicators differ from country to country. Over the last 100 years, the French have grown 8 centimeters taller, the Swedes 15 centimeters taller, and the Iranians 17 centimeters taller. South Koreans have surpassed everyone and have grown as much as 20 centimeters. The Netherlands surpassed America and became the tallest nation in the world: the average height of the Dutch is 185 cm. In Russia, the average height has grown by 10 centimeters. The tallest used to be Americans: before the Second World War their average height was 177 cm, but by the end of the XX century stagnated.

Now the tallest men and women live in the Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Czech Republic and Serbia. The shortest people are Timor-Leste (their height is 160 centimeters) and Guatemalan women (their height is 149 centimeters).

In other parts of the world, especially in South Asia and parts of Africa, residents have not gained much in height. And in some non-Western countries, height has even declined. This is due to wars, disease, food shortages, and other problems. For example, closer to 1970, people in South Africa became shorter. Scientists believe that this is due to population growth and the deterioration of the economy during structural adjustment.

Alexander Karasev

pediatrician, member of the European Society of Human Genetics

If you look at history, growth not only increased but also decreased. Neanderthals were shorter than modern humans (155-165 cm), but Cro-Magnons were almost the same height (175-180 cm). Approximately the same height was in the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and representatives of the Cretan-Minoan civilization. In the Middle Ages the growth began to decrease. But over the last 100 years, body length has increased dramatically again.

Social anthropologist Elvina Ryazanova notes that Cro-Magnons on the physique and height of growth did not differ from modern man. They ran a lot, so their figure is very similar to modern athletes – with pumped muscles of legs and torso.

Why did people become taller?

Studies show that the jump in height is linked to a better lifestyle: we eat better and get sick less. Diets have become more varied, health services have expanded and hygiene has improved. Climate has also played a role – it used to be colder, and only since the 1980s have average temperatures gone up. That is, the conditions became more favorable, so the man and enlarged.

No one canceled evolutionary development, which is still going on. Although, it would seem, we have nothing to adapt to. Nevertheless, the environment and the conditions in which we live have changed a lot, and this has affected the body. There is evidence of this: scientists who study the population of Guatemala and Mexico have noticed one peculiarity. Children from these regions who moved to the U.S. are 11 centimeters taller than their siblings born in Guatemala and Mexico. This is thought to be due to their improved lifestyle.

Quality of life
Scientists have concluded that the better the quality of life, the taller the person. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, constant labor and stress – all this had a negative impact on physical development in the past. As an example, experts cite South Korea, whose economic situation in the past was, shall we say, unenviable. The average height of South Koreans at that time was also low – 142 centimeters. Along with the development of the economy, the growth of the population began to increase. When Korea became a technological leader, the average height of the population increased by 20 centimeters.

Elvina Ryazanova

Elvina Ryazanova

social anthropologist

In the Middle Ages, human growth slightly decreased. This was affected by epidemics, crop failures, and wars. If we consider evolution since the Middle Ages, namely the last 100 years, we can see that humanity as a whole grows every 50 years by about 5 cm.

At the same time, body mass is also increasing. This is largely due to changes in the environment, because now there are no such epidemics as in the Middle Ages, the same plague, for example.

Alexander Karasev

pediatrician, member of the European Society of Human Genetics

Studies show that fluctuations in average population growth are related to changes in two parameters: diet and the number of diseases. Genetics also has an influence, it explains 24% of the variation in height. But it is known that there is no specific “growth gene”, it is a multifactorial system with thousands of DNA sites.

Are we just going to keep growing?

Will our grandchildren be giants? Physiologists predict that in the future the average height will not change much and will be about 175-180 cm. Doctors say that after this figure, the rate of acceleration will decrease.

Moreover, according to social anthropologist Elvina Ryazanova, it can not be argued that modern man “grows” everywhere. It all depends on the country of residence and the diet followed in a particular region. Some tribes in Africa are still not tall – 150-160 cm. You can learn more about the average height of a person by country here.

And if you are interested in knowing how tall you would have been a hundred years ago, go here.

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