Who should not eat freshly baked bread and why, told the doctor
Who should not eat freshly baked bread and why, told the doctor Nuria Gataulina
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How the brain makes us remember things that didn’t happen: the Mandela effect with examples
Did the old lady Shapoklyak from the famous cartoon have an umbrella? Did Catherine
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How to dress for a soccer or hockey match. Practical tips from a stylist
image stylist Gurus in the business world say, “Knowing the why will stand up
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Jak wybrać pyszne i zdrowe gruszki w sklepie. Wskazówki od dietetyka
Prezes Stowarzyszenia Dietetyków i Trenerów Zdrowia (ANCH) Jak wybrać dietetyka?
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What is Mriyathlon-2023? A big guide to the main triathlon start in Crimea
Summer is considered the traditional season for outdoor sports. All three months you can
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Why some are smart and others are not: reasons and 5 unexpected signs of high intelligence
Throughout history, mankind wants to unravel the secret of the “smartest”. It seems that
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Nutriciologist named 5 foods that provoke edema
President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANKZ) What foods trigger puffiness?
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What eats nutriciologist on 3300 rubles a week. Food diary
With this text, we are launching a new section called “Food Diaries”. We share
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5 soccer players who could easily become successful models
Many soccer players combine their sports career with modeling and become successful in both
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What soups are better not to eat every day. The doctor told me
nutritionist, gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, clinical pharmacologist, head of AlfaBiom company Is it
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