Is the climate you live in right for you and how do you find your ideal climate?
physician, neuropsychologist, psychosomatologist “Climatic conditions can have a significant impact on a person’s internal
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7 trendy sunglasses models and instructions to choose your perfect shape
Today, sunglasses are not only a necessary attribute that performs the protective function of
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This man has been recognized as the happiest man in the world. Discovering Mathieu Ricard’s secret
Before becoming a monk, Mathieu Ricard was a genetic scientist, but decided to leave
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World breakfasts: how do different countries start their day? Personal experience
I have repeatedly won grants to study at foreign universities, lived with foreign families,
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Jaka odzież sportowa sprawi, że będziesz wyglądać dobrze bez makijażu? Spójrzmy na przykłady celebrytów
stylistka Każdy strój zaczyna się od koloru. Jest to pierwsza rzecz, która przyciąga wzrok.
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Czym jest "strefa komfortu", czy każdy musi ją opuścić i jak to zrobić? Podział psychologów
psycholog, twórca teorii inteligencji adaptacyjnej "Trenerzy często mówią o komforcie
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Nutriciologist told us which foods should be washed before cooking and which should not be washed
Nutritionist, specialist in fitness nutrition and healthy lifestyle, FPA expert Nutrition must meet several
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6 typical signs of self-depreciation and 5 steps to start respecting yourself
analytical psychologist, psychosomatotherapist, coach “Self-depreciation is a pathological condition in which a person believes
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12 ultra-trendy jeans that you’re sure to find your perfect jeans in
Jeans have been and continue to be our favorite closet item. Denim pants are
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Biologist named 10 foods that may disappear very soon
Climate change and human activity are having a detrimental effect on nature. Already our
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