What to do to avoid disrupting your sleep patterns during the holidays
What to do to keep your sleep schedule on track during the holidays January
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How to store bananas so that they do not darken: gastroenterologist told about simple tricks
Bananas are one of the most popular and healthy fruits, but in order for
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Holiday hardening: how baptismal bathing affects health
Every year on January 19, many believers celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord –
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Is it possible to eat cherries at night? Nutriciologist named all pros and cons
Nutriciologist, Academic Director of MIIN, lecturer of the course “Integrative Nutriciologist” from MIIN “Cherry
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You can go unmasked: 5 sports that are safe from coronavirus
You can go unmasked: 5 sports that are safe from coronavirus Oleg Bagdasarov January
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How to use flaxseed oil? The ideal product for weight loss and skin toning
Flaxseed oil is obtained from crushed and pressed flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum). The Latin
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How to make raspberry jam? The most popular recipes from an expert
brand-chef of the food media platform Food.ru “Homemade jam is one of the simplest
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How active are you? Test
How active are you? Test Elizabeth Katorzhnaya January 13, 2021, 15:45 MSC Check if
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A doctor-gastroenterologist told who should not drink lemonade
A gastroenterologist told who should not drink lemonade August 18, 2024, 15:45 MSC Audio
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How Nordic walking can help you get back to activity after the holidays
The holidays are over, it’s time to get back into the routine. But how
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