Sometimes, no matter how much effort is put into training and no matter how strictly the diet is followed, the relief of the body does not change for the better. The reason for this can be a low or high hormonal background. Usually such problems are faced by men after 30 years of age. However, even young people can become victims of circumstances.
As a rule, problems with hormones arise due to disorders of the thyroid and sex glands, toxic substances and antisocial lifestyle.
Together with Ilya Baskin, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we will understand the five main male hormones and their influence on the body in general and the process of training in particular.
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
Hormones determine not only the state of the body and its readiness for loads, but also emotionality and personality factors.
Total testosterone
Norm: 8.9-42 nmol/l.
First of all, testosterone is responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, so it has the strongest influence on muscle mass and masculinity. Often men with a deficiency of this hormone become more vulnerable and emotional. Also, this hormone determines not only the anabolic properties of the body (its ability to muscle growth, development of strength, endurance and other physical parameters), but also androgenic functions (increased libido, aggression, etc.).
Ilya Baskin
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
Reduced testosterone is characteristic of men with excessive overweight, low physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, and problems with sexual function. In terms of hormones, the main functions we have just discussed are realized not by testosterone itself, but by its forms: free testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. You can check your total testosterone if you have poor muscle mass growth or slow fat loss while following a strict diet.
What can be done to improve the testosterone situation? If we are talking about neglected cases, you should first of all consult a urologist or andrologist. If we talk about general recommendations, at least you should reduce weight and establish a daily regimen: sleep eight hours and engage in physical activity. The more movement and sexual activity – the higher the level of testosterone.
In addition, the level of testosterone is affected by genetic natural maximum, age, bad habits. A bad situation in which you should consult a doctor is a drop in testosterone below the reference values. If the level of the hormone is at the upper limit of the norm or higher, it is rather a positive situation. However, increased testosterone can have a negative effect on, say, baldness.
Normal: 40-161 pmol/L.
Just as testosterone is found in small doses in women, estradiol is found in the bodies of men. Although elevated levels of this hormone can lead to the same consequences as low testosterone, its values should not fall below normal.
Ilya Baskin
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
In contrast to the main male hormone testosterone, there is also the main female sex hormone – estradiol. In a positive way for men, it affects the condition of the skin, teeth, nails, strength of bones, joints, resistance to disease and infection. However, elevated levels negatively affect libido, swelling, emotional state, fat deposition, primarily on the female principle, such as on the hips.
Elevated estradiol is caused by the same factors as low testosterone. It also negatively affects health: lowered libido, more frequent injuries, illnesses, infections. In general, estradiol is a kind of stop-gap, its task is to psychologically restrain you to take care of your health.
Norm: 73-407 mEd/L.
Prolactin is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland and affects the work of mammary glands. It is he who plays a crucial role in the lactation period in women. However, its amount depends on the amount of other sex hormones.
Ilya Baskin
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
Another opponent of testosterone is the hormone prolactin. From an emotional point of view, it does not cause irritability and tearfulness like estradiol, but apathy, lethargy, melancholy, sleepiness. The most famous and nasty consequence of elevated prolactin is considered gynecomastia. This is an accumulation of fat and water near the mammary glands, which turns male breasts into the likeness of female breasts. This disease is sometimes caused by genetic predisposition, but is most often observed in overweight people, lack of physical activity, and athletes who have used anabolic steroids.
Since the homones prolactin and estradiol compete with testosterone, recommendations for lowering them are similar to those for raising testosterone. But it is important to realize that their excessive reduction can not be called correct – these are necessary hormones.
Norm: 41/37 U/L.
Basically, the level of these enzymes depends on the work of the liver, when it is destroyed, they get into the blood. Therefore, elevated ALT and AST can indicate hepatitis, cirrhosis, myocardial infarction and other diseases.
Ilya Baskin
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
ALT/AST are enzymes that take part in the metabolism between cells. In case of destruction of internal organs, primarily the liver, they get into the blood, and by their concentration in the serum doctors determine the problems with the organs.
As a rule, elevated values indicate problems with the liver. Do not self-medicate – in such cases it is better to consult a doctor. The only thing you should do for sure is to give up alcohol.
Norm: 3.8-6.8/64, 3-160, 9 nmol/L.
The hormone thyroxine (T4) primarily affects metabolic rate. Of course, a fast metabolism is good, you will say, but it is its speed that prevents you from building muscle mass. In addition, thyroxine affects the rate of heartbeat, and its excess can lead to arrhythmia.
Ilya Baskin
trainer, vice-champion in classical bodybuilding
Thyroxine is one of the two main thyroid hormones. There are two pathological conditions associated with it: hyperthyroidism, increased production of thyroxine, and hypothyroidism, decreased production. In the first case, we observe excessive irritability, sweating, strain on the heart, nervousness, tissue destruction, problems with sexual activity, muscle mass gain. It is a pathological condition associated with increased metabolism.
People with reduced production of the hormone, on the contrary, have problems with losing weight, getting rid of swelling, they have drowsiness and low tone.
If we talk about general recommendations: there are no miracles here, you need to normalize the regime of the day, physical activity and diet.
You can learn more about how hormones affect training in the video on “Championship”.
Source: MuscleRussia.