Statham Almighty: 7 surprising facts about the actor’s life you didn’t know

Statham Almighty: 7 surprising facts about the actor’s life you didn’t know

Yulia Kovalenko

Julia Kovalenko

And after all, Jason Statham could become a hero not of the movie, but of the Olympic Games.

It’s not news that the iron-clad Statham keeps himself in stunning shape. But not many people guess that the actor acquired a beautiful and relief body in his youth, when he was professionally engaged in diving. Moreover, Statham was even a member of the British national team. Unfortunately, he was not able to perform at the Olympics, but the opportunity was there. The actor often reminisces about it in his interviews and, it seems, still regrets a little that he never became an Olympian.

Watch on the official YouTube channel .

Statham needed to remember sports youth in the new film “Meg: Monster of the Deep”, which is released on August 9. Only this time the actor will go into the water not for medals, but for the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a prehistoric shark of incredible size.

Watch on the official YouTube channel .

In general, Statham and sports are one and the same. The actor from early childhood promotes a healthy lifestyle. We offer you to take the test and determine which facts about the popular actor are true, and which are nothing more than a journalistic duck.

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